path: root/app/pages
AgeCommit message (Collapse)Author
2021-10-28lttr: fixed typo in url namelxf
2021-10-28pages: renamed templatelxf
2021-10-28lttr: added a form for people to get postcardslxf
2021-09-12posts: redirecting old jrnl/feed.xml to feed.xmlluxagraf
2021-04-22fixed double image insert on page and got rid of productsluxagraf
2021-02-23html: got rid of comments closed message on contact pageluxagraf
2021-02-22html: eliminated a lot of inline JSluxagraf
2021-02-12templates: fixed page detail comments and added cross promotion onluxagraf
newsletter list pages
2021-01-15Proj: Massive design overhaul to simplify codeluxagraf
Cut out Sass syntax, deleted old CSS rules, changed HTML to use fewer lists and more cascading instead of specific rules. Still requires compiling with sass to strip comments and compress, but would in theory work on its own. Reduced CSS file size by 2/3
2020-12-02ready to get rid of photos model for media modelluxagraf
2020-11-25forgot migrationsluxagraf
2020-11-25fixed a bug adding pages to related.luxagraf
2020-11-25pages admin fix.luxagraf
2020-11-25added featured image to pagesluxagraf
2020-11-21another quick fixluxagraf
2020-11-21emergency fixluxagraf
2020-11-21Emergency bug fix for homepageluxagraf
2020-11-15fixed atypo in pages viewsluxagraf
2020-11-15fixed some urls in templatesluxagraf
2020-11-15fixed a typoluxagraf
2020-11-15fixed a naming bug in pages buildluxagraf
2020-11-15fixed templates for multiple sites in pagesluxagraf
2020-11-15added site build var to pages appluxagraf
2020-11-15added site to admin formsluxagraf
2020-11-15added site to pages and postsluxagraf
2020-11-15fixed a bug in homepage buildluxagraf
2020-11-15fixed some build issuesluxagraf
2020-11-15ported jrnl building to postsluxagraf
2020-11-13migrated jrnl to posts, fixed some bugs in pages build, RSS feed, andluxagraf
2020-01-27abstracted breadcrumbs into seperate templateluxagraf
2019-08-22added comments option to pagesluxagraf
2019-02-08fixed conflict between pages and essay buildluxagraf
2019-02-07updated stylesheets and added essaysluxagraf
2019-01-12deleted old page view from base_urlsluxagraf
2019-01-12revamped pages app a bitluxagraf
2018-07-07added campsite model, refactored some code to avoid circular imports,luxagraf
reorganized some auxilary functions and fixed broken build JS.
2018-01-21updated code to work with django 2.0luxagraf
2017-12-29added build flag to admin pagesluxagraf
2017-12-29added option to not build a pageluxagraf
2017-11-09fixed a couple small bugsluxagraf
2016-12-28fixed some bugsluxagraf
2016-12-28rewrote pages builder to handle essaysluxagraf
2016-11-02launched new homepage and misc improvementsluxagraf
2015-12-07added builder to resume sectionluxagraf
2015-12-07added ability to edit resume landing and cv from pages appluxagraf
2015-12-03switched over to using a single markdown processor from utils everywhereluxagraf
except notes because I'm urlizing notes and I don't want to do that anywhere else.
2015-11-20About halfway through adding income by month section to admin.luxagraf
2014-11-13added the static version of page publisher for posterity sake, not used thoughluxagraf
2014-11-10reverted Pages to databaseluxagraf
2014-07-08fixed css bugs. converted to jrnl urls.luxagraf