path: root/app/posts/
AgeCommit message (Collapse)Author
2022-12-30posts: reverted to calling them essays and redid a few things to make itluxagraf
easier to see what's going on
2022-12-29posts: changed essays to notes. less pretentious.luxagraf
2021-03-24lttr: migrated to new post -> lttr -> send system.luxagraf
2020-12-20fixed some things with guideslxf
2020-12-04updated essay builderluxagraf
2020-11-15fixed some build issuesluxagraf
2020-11-15fixed a bug in building the location based archivesluxagraf
2020-11-15ported jrnl building to postsluxagraf
2020-08-25fixed build bug in field notesluxagraf
2020-08-15moved fieldnotes into posts, finished builder for thoseluxagraf
2020-08-06added builder for src and guides via postsluxagraf
2019-09-18added posts, consolidated essays into postsluxagraf