path: root/app/posts
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2021-01-15proj: updated several views to use utils.LuxDetailViewluxagraf
2021-01-15Proj: Massive design overhaul to simplify codeluxagraf
2021-01-07added a photograpy section by tweaking Category model and then addinglxf
2020-12-23stopped deleting featured image from deleting postlxf
2020-12-23added related images to src postslxf
2020-12-23added related posts to srclxf
2020-12-23updated normalize to store the type of post where applicablelxf
2020-12-20fixed some things with guideslxf
2020-12-04updated essay builderluxagraf
2020-12-04made featured image secondary size smallerluxagraf
2020-12-04added related to essaysluxagraf
2020-12-04fixed a bug in essay viewsluxagraf
2020-12-02fixed some bugs in templates and renderingluxagraf
2020-12-02ready to get rid of photos model for media modelluxagraf
2020-11-25fixed a template bugluxagraf
2020-11-25cleaned up related posts to account for locationless dateless relatedluxagraf
2020-11-19added prologue to essays and a special catchall to stop some persistantluxagraf
2020-11-19fixed view bug in essaysluxagraf
2020-11-17fixed a bug in src buildluxagraf
2020-11-17made same template changes to src detailluxagraf
2020-11-17bug fixluxagraf
2020-11-17changed the list display of src postsluxagraf
2020-11-15added site to admin formsluxagraf
2020-11-15added site to pages and postsluxagraf
2020-11-15fixed some build issuesluxagraf
2020-11-15fixed a bug in building the location based archivesluxagraf
2020-11-15added legacy image function to posts to handle jrnls without a featuredluxagraf
2020-11-15ported jrnl building to postsluxagraf
2020-11-13migrated jrnl to posts, fixed some bugs in pages build, RSS feed, andluxagraf
2020-11-13fixed a bug in how lat/lon are returned in posts without a pointluxagraf
2020-11-13fixed a bug in field not list templateluxagraf
2020-11-11improved post admin some moreluxagraf
2020-11-11cleaned up Posts Admin and added field_notesluxagraf
2020-11-11added a posts migration as wellluxagraf
2020-10-27switched jrnl related posts to use field_notes type within post modelluxagraf
2020-08-29added a check to stop save errors in post saveluxagraf
2020-08-25fixed build bug in field notesluxagraf
2020-08-25added option for field notes without featured imagesluxagraf
2020-08-25fixed some bugs in post saveluxagraf
2020-08-15changed post save() to extract an image for fieldnotesluxagraf
2020-08-15fixed a bug in field notes breadcrumbsluxagraf
2020-08-15moved fieldnotes into posts, finished builder for thoseluxagraf
2020-08-15added posts migrationluxagraf
2020-08-15archived old unused apps and migrated fieldnotes to postsluxagraf
2020-08-06fixed a save bug in posts modelluxagraf
2020-08-06added builder for src and guides via postsluxagraf
2020-08-06Migrated Src into postsluxagraf
2020-08-05Changed post save function to handle not having epilogues andluxagraf
2020-04-12added new category modelluxagraf