path: root/app/posts
AgeCommit message (Collapse)Author
2022-12-29posts: reframed essay section as notes to my childrenluxagraf
2022-12-29src: removed paypal from srcluxagraf
2022-12-29src: removed mailing list sign up from detail pages as well.luxagraf
2022-12-29src: tweaked list view to not paginate so soon.luxagraf
2022-12-28posts: removed dateline links from essay templateluxagraf
2022-09-05essays: cleaned up templates, fixed some stray bugsluxagraf
2022-08-28range: fixed syntax issues on detail pagesluxagraf
2022-08-28range: fixed some issues in subscribe templateluxagraf
2022-08-15posts: added hr below prologuesluxagraf
2022-08-15posts: updated post styles to italicize afterward/forewardsluxagraf
2022-08-15posts: fixed a bug where prologues and epilogues were not being renderedluxagraf
into html
2022-08-10jrnl: fixed some bugs in essay templateluxagraf
2022-07-31jrnl: removed issue str from abs urlluxagraf
2022-07-23jrnl: removed issue requirement from models and admin and lttrluxagraf
2022-02-20jrnl: made birds three col when there's nothing else to show.lxf
2022-01-21posts: fixed essay templatelxf
2022-01-01lttr: fixed link to postcardlxf
2021-10-28lttr: added a form for people to get postcardslxf
2021-09-12posts: fixed another bug in essay templateluxagraf
2021-09-12posts: fixed a bug in essay templateluxagraf
2021-09-12general: pulled range from templatesluxagraf
2021-04-03jrnl: removed product loaderluxagraf
2021-04-03jrnl: fixed a bug in detail templateluxagraf
2021-04-02posts: added related to range detail pagesluxagraf
2021-03-24lttr: migrated to new post -> lttr -> send system.luxagraf
2021-03-23posts: added issue to handle mailing letter postsluxagraf
2021-03-23posts: added an issue field for newslettersluxagraf
2021-03-23added RANGE to post typesluxagraf
2021-03-21src: made signup form workluxagraf
2021-03-21src: added signup form to individual postsluxagraf
2021-03-06src: added a newsletter for source. experimenting with sending posts.luxagraf
2021-02-22html: eliminated a lot of inline JSluxagraf
2021-02-22js: moved janky button code to seperate fileluxagraf
2021-02-22js: pulled out all inline scriptluxagraf
2021-02-22testing CSP javascript fixluxagraf
2021-02-13src: dusted off RSS feed by popular demandluxagraf
2021-01-30lttr: fixed date order in list viewsluxagraf
2021-01-30misc: wrapping up some odds and endsluxagraf
2021-01-30posts: cleaned up model code and fixed template bugluxagraf
2021-01-30views: cleaned up some view code and streamlined breadcrumbsluxagraf
2021-01-15posts: fixed src tempate to use updated comment form namesluxagraf
2021-01-15posts: fixed fieldnote templates to use new breadcrumbsluxagraf
2021-01-15posts: fixed post view for field_notesluxagraf
changed the template path the match renamed files on disk
2021-01-15fixed a bug in comment form stylesluxagraf
2021-01-15proj: updated several views to use utils.LuxDetailViewluxagraf
This allows for a single breadcrumbs template, consolidating code
2021-01-15Proj: Massive design overhaul to simplify codeluxagraf
Cut out Sass syntax, deleted old CSS rules, changed HTML to use fewer lists and more cascading instead of specific rules. Still requires compiling with sass to strip comments and compress, but would in theory work on its own. Reduced CSS file size by 2/3
2021-01-07added a photograpy section by tweaking Category model and then addinglxf
some urls
2020-12-23stopped deleting featured image from deleting postlxf
2020-12-23added related images to src postslxf
2020-12-23added related posts to srclxf