path: root/config/
AgeCommit message (Collapse)Author
2023-05-06jrnl: added a film category (repurposed friends)luxagraf
2022-12-30posts: reverted to calling them essays and redid a few things to make itluxagraf
easier to see what's going on
2022-12-29posts: changed essays to notes. less pretentious.luxagraf
2022-11-11bdgt: added simple spending trackerluxagraf
2022-06-06base: fixed a bug in urlslxf
2022-06-06base: chnged RSS feed to only jrnl entrieslxf
2021-07-25added basic planner appluxagraf
2021-07-14trad: removed Markdown requirement from admin, added base_urlsluxagraf
2021-03-24lttr: migrated to new post -> lttr -> send system.luxagraf
2021-03-21src: made signup form workluxagraf
2021-03-21lttr: removed /newsletter/ from the url path.luxagraf
2021-01-30views: cleaned up some view code and streamlined breadcrumbsluxagraf
2020-12-20fixed some things with guideslxf
2020-12-04fixed some admin image bugsluxagraf
2020-12-02ready to get rid of photos model for media modelluxagraf
2020-11-15ported jrnl building to postsluxagraf
2020-11-13migrated jrnl to posts, fixed some bugs in pages build, RSS feed, andluxagraf
2020-11-11removed some things I wasn't using to clean up code baseluxagraf
2020-08-15moved fieldnotes into posts, finished builder for thoseluxagraf
2020-08-15archived old unused apps and migrated fieldnotes to postsluxagraf
2020-08-06Migrated Src into postsluxagraf
2020-04-06changed post handling and fixed some bugs in templatesluxagraf
2020-01-27abstracted breadcrumbs into seperate templateluxagraf
2019-11-05added updates to posts modelluxagraf
2019-10-07added new posts stuff and changed name of src postsluxagraf
2019-09-18added posts, consolidated essays into postsluxagraf
2019-09-14Worked on guides, moved some templates to app/dirluxagraf
2019-07-04added guides to main adminluxagraf
2019-04-11added h-entry u-photo to notes templateluxagraf
2019-03-03Change sketches to fieldnotes and redid design to allow posting singleluxagraf
2019-03-02redirected newsletter, clean up homepage heroluxagraf
2019-02-22changed books url to book-notesluxagraf
2019-02-22added essays and books to sitemap, moved books to readluxagraf
2019-02-11added newsletterluxagraf
2019-02-08changed essays to allow easier buildingluxagraf
2019-02-07updated stylesheets and added essaysluxagraf
2019-02-01redid jrnl to speed things up and use less memoryluxagraf
2019-01-18cleaned up urls for work appluxagraf
2019-01-12deleted old page view from base_urlsluxagraf
2018-09-27version 9 of stylesheetluxagraf
2018-04-02changed url of sightings to dialoguesluxagraf
2018-03-22added autocomplete to sightings so it's easier to find APsluxagraf
2018-03-07added a people app as per derek sivers' suggestionluxagraf
2018-03-03added book recommendations to jrnlluxagraf
2018-02-24fixed a bug in map data builderluxagraf
2018-02-06converted to new path url structure and updated pagination to handle it.luxagraf
2018-02-05abstracted the next prev links into utils so now they work for everyluxagraf
model that implements a get_%S_admin_link method and loads the JS
2018-02-03finished up notes app and made it liveluxagraf
2018-02-02moar bugsluxagraf
2018-01-28abstracted birds out to sightingsluxagraf