path: root/design/sass
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2016-01-02added link to download original image and fixed a spacing bug in photoluxagraf
2016-01-02fixed a bug in map build and added a sans-caption class to css for photoluxagraf
2015-12-29Cleaned up the figments template and added some style to hr tagsluxagraf
2015-12-29added some styles for new photo galleriesluxagraf
2015-12-29added some css for stopping touch delay on mobile forms, etcluxagraf
2015-12-17added basic gallery outline with new style field in admin and madeluxagraf
2015-12-09added some paddding to top of elliott video pageluxagraf
2015-12-09added a contrain_wide rule to elliottvideos pageluxagraf
2015-12-07finished up resume sectionluxagraf
2015-12-07added builder to resume sectionluxagraf
2015-11-26added some new styles for rwd book pageluxagraf
2015-11-26added gumroad purchase options to srcluxagraf
2015-11-17redid resume section and tricked out templates a bitluxagraf
2015-11-16fixed book sale pages and css to matchluxagraf
2015-11-16fixed some bugsluxagraf
2015-11-16tweaked the looks of src archives a bit.luxagraf
2015-11-15added resume and income appsluxagraf
2015-11-13rewrote Links to make them more browse/earacble on live site and inluxagraf
2015-11-11redo figments to work with CBV, new builder, etc. Also broke out adminluxagraf
2015-11-01added epub script basics and styled figments archives and detailsluxagraf
2015-10-31added figments app for publishing fictionluxagraf
2015-10-31adde styles for pygemnts based code highlightsluxagraf
2015-10-30added fenced code blocksluxagraf
2015-10-30fixed a few template bugs in src:luxagraf
2015-10-30added support of ol lists in articles on srcluxagraf
2015-10-30added build script and templates for topic pagesluxagraf
2015-10-29added build script for src. let's do this thing.luxagraf
2015-10-29styled the src archive pageluxagraf
2015-10-29tidied up the src sectionluxagraf
2015-10-28added the src app to port all technical writing over from longhandpixelsluxagraf
2015-10-15polished up the books section a bitluxagraf
2015-10-01did a lot of work on the books sectionluxagraf
2015-09-24added styles for caption beneath side by side picsluxagraf
2015-07-21fixed date based archivesluxagraf
2015-06-16updated expenses template and urls, fixed bug in side-by-side photosluxagraf
2015-06-01fixed js, not loaded on pages with no comments and CSS to align imagesluxagraf
2015-05-03fixed some css so I can change header levels without affecting designluxagraf
2015-05-03work started on bird app and displayluxagraf
2015-04-27added some metadata to homepage and rearranged metadata for articlesluxagraf
2015-04-21added a few assets I found in an old folderluxagraf
2015-04-21added some CSS to handle embedding HTML5 videoluxagraf
2015-03-16added expense tracking appluxagraf
2015-03-01added inline maps to entry pages and fixed some media and footnote css bugsluxagraf
2015-02-25added abbr icon ?luxagraf
2015-02-25started work on per-post mappingluxagraf
2015-01-25fixed homepage layout and builderluxagraf
2015-01-12got rid of older flexbox syntax in favor of baked in version on compass 1.0luxagraf
2014-12-19fixed large image position in cssluxagraf
2014-11-13fixed some css bugs with new comments and an old post (debi's list)luxagraf
2014-11-13Turned comments back on. See how this goes.luxagraf