path: root/design/sass
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2018-04-12fixed a bug in building booksluxagraf
2018-03-22added autocomplete to sightings so it's easier to find APsluxagraf
2018-03-16got rid of h-entry in srcluxagraf
2018-03-16fixed some css bugs on srcluxagraf
2018-03-16added images to src adminluxagraf
2018-03-14improved figcaption designluxagraf
2018-03-14added photo credit to caption below imageluxagraf
2018-02-24fixed a bug in map data builderluxagraf
2018-02-10removed sightings by person and styled sightings list on entry pagesluxagraf
2018-02-08added field_notes to footer of entry templatesluxagraf
2018-02-04removed notes from top level menuluxagraf
2018-02-03changed dateline in sketch permalinksluxagraf
2018-02-03finished up notes app and made it liveluxagraf
2018-01-29added sightings to entry templateluxagraf
2018-01-28abstracted birds out to sightingsluxagraf
2017-12-20added some styles to tag list at top of links page.luxagraf
2017-11-09fixed bird admin. maybe.luxagraf
2017-09-06updated bird and jrnl admins to make maps and photos betterluxagraf
2017-07-16updated birds app for faster bird addingluxagraf
2017-07-15fixed homepage cssluxagraf
2017-05-28fixed captionsluxagraf
2017-04-29rejiggered expenses to be less complicatedluxagraf
2017-01-01fixed some random bugsluxagraf
2016-12-28redid admin button orderluxagraf
2016-12-28added some stylingluxagraf
2016-12-27tweaked page template to allow for better breadcrumbsluxagraf
2016-12-20added alts to image cluster templateluxagraf
2016-11-29added option to save link direct through my admin and grab a markdownluxagraf
2016-11-14pushed up new image insert scriptluxagraf
2016-11-13fixed some image insert bugs, added image idluxagraf
2016-11-12added some more image layout stylesluxagraf
2016-11-09fixed some bugs in house templateluxagraf
2016-11-08fixed a bug in image parser to allow captionsluxagraf
2016-11-07fixed css for image clusters and house templateluxagraf
2016-11-04fixed some issues with projects page and archived photo galleriesluxagraf
2016-11-03bug fixesluxagraf
2016-11-02launched new homepage and misc improvementsluxagraf
2016-11-01embiggended books and cleaned up image output templates also added imageluxagraf
2016-11-01widened site, created new photo layouts and prepped homepage redesignluxagraf
2016-10-10started work on light version of homepage and made it possble for me toluxagraf
2016-08-11added a link to Evolution Host as per our free hosting agreementluxagraf
2016-07-15mane homepage currator a bit smarter and easier to updateluxagraf
2016-06-17finished up notes builderluxagraf
2016-06-17fixed notes to be like an instagram for the web also tweaked styles forluxagraf
2016-05-17tweaked colors, created black version of posts and got rid ofluxagraf
2016-03-21fixed up bird app archive pagesluxagraf
2016-03-21finished up bird app basics. Pretty much works now. Just need builder toluxagraf
2016-03-09Added the scientific names to birds page and styled them. Also added mapluxagraf
2016-03-09added lato font and styles for some nicer image captions using theluxagraf
2016-03-05Added map to bird detail pageluxagraf