path: root/design/templates/admin
AgeCommit message (Collapse)Author
2018-02-03added builder to the adminluxagraf
2018-02-02moar bugsluxagraf
2018-02-02more bug fixesluxagraf
2018-02-02added return false to stop reloadluxagraf
2018-02-02simplified image insertsluxagraf
2018-01-28cleaned up sightings build and admin codeluxagraf
2018-01-28abstracted birds out to sightingsluxagraf
2018-01-26changed options in frequently used admin tableluxagraf
2017-12-14widened text field for notesluxagraf
2017-12-14cleaned up notes, archived old apps, moved checkins to locations appluxagraf
where it should have been from the beginning
2017-07-16Updated to django autocomplete v3luxagraf
2017-01-01added prev and next links to jrnl change formluxagraf
2016-12-28redid admin button orderluxagraf
2016-12-14fixed some self hosted video bugsluxagraf
2016-12-13Added video upload tools and insertingluxagraf
2016-11-29added option to save link direct through my admin and grab a markdownluxagraf
copy to store locally.
2016-11-14pushed up new image insert scriptluxagraf
2016-11-13fixed some image insert bugs, added image idluxagraf
2016-11-02launched new homepage and misc improvementsluxagraf
2016-11-01embiggended books and cleaned up image output templates also added imageluxagraf
insert to pages
2016-11-01widened site, created new photo layouts and prepped homepage redesignluxagraf
2016-07-22built a note taking tool for corrinneluxagraf
2016-07-15mane homepage currator a bit smarter and easier to updateluxagraf
2016-07-12upgraded jrnl admin and fixed some bugs with image uploading iframe.luxagraf
Also updated pip freeze in requirements.txt
2016-06-17finished up notes builderluxagraf
2016-06-17fixed notes to be like an instagram for the web also tweaked styles forluxagraf
picwide captions and added support for show camera make, model and lens
2016-06-16added most frequently used admin sections to top of homepage and tweakedluxagraf
the base template to use better head tags
2016-03-27added build script to birds appluxagraf
2016-03-21added inline image preview to birdsightings changeform and fixed privateluxagraf
gallery pages
2016-03-20Wrote image app to work with other models. Broke galleries badly, needluxagraf
to fix before posting again. Also major admin image move to pull off.
2016-02-18pulled building amp pages to its own button because it takes massiveluxagraf
amounts of memory.
2016-02-08redid notes to make them self-contained and localluxagraf
2016-01-27Added auto geolocation features to checkinluxagraf
2015-12-29added figments builder to admin buttonsluxagraf
2015-12-23added autocomplete to tag fields in Links adminluxagraf
2015-12-17add a dirty hack to split on qq so as to avoid splitting on whitespace.luxagraf
horrible. but whatever, it works
2015-12-17made the admin thumbnail widget a bit nicerluxagraf
2015-12-17tweaked admin thumbnailsluxagraf
2015-12-17tweaked thumbnail sizing in changelistluxagraf
2015-12-17added basic gallery outline with new style field in admin and madeluxagraf
thumbnails for gallery image select field
2015-12-15added admin button to build new style galleriesluxagraf
2015-12-15added next prev buttons to image admin for faster editingluxagraf
2015-12-15added custom template to show image on detail pageluxagraf
2015-12-13added resizing function to photo uploads and changed wording on commentsluxagraf
2015-12-01updated site to work with django 1.9's new admin lookluxagraf
2015-11-21added time to payment in income adminluxagraf
2015-11-20fixed reference links and added status column to income monthly viewluxagraf
2015-11-21fixed typo in templateluxagraf
2015-11-20added link to gig item in monthly income viewluxagraf