path: root/design/templates/archives
AgeCommit message (Collapse)Author
2019-03-07added src to main siteluxagraf
2019-03-03got rid of old sketches modelluxagraf
2019-03-02fixed a small bug in homepage light layoutluxagraf
2019-03-02redirected newsletter, clean up homepage heroluxagraf
2019-02-25changed styles and intro to SRC sectionluxagraf
2019-02-24redid src to make essaysluxagraf
2019-02-19fixed some lingering design bugs with new fontsluxagraf
2019-02-18redid sightings design and moved all location defered things to locationluxagraf
2019-02-08cleaned up projects builder and templates, new CSS fontsluxagraf
2019-02-08changed essays to allow easier buildingluxagraf
2019-02-01redid jrnl to speed things up and use less memoryluxagraf
2019-01-23Fixed resume and pub builderluxagraf
2019-01-13updated income and resume appsluxagraf
2019-01-03fixed title bug in new daily photo templateluxagraf
2019-01-03finished up builder and design for posting photosluxagraf
2019-01-03added a daily photo sectionluxagraf
2018-10-18cleaned up resume section to fit in new designluxagraf
2018-10-07cleaned up some HTML CSS bugs in srcluxagraf
2018-09-27version 9 of stylesheetluxagraf
2018-09-02added new Home model to templateluxagraf
2018-06-08added life list page and inline editing of sightings by animalluxagraf
2018-06-05changed homepage to use new featured_imageluxagraf
2018-06-05fixed some bugs on live serverluxagraf
2018-06-04converted jrnl entry to use image for featured imageluxagraf
2018-05-16changed sightings to emphasize the dialogue aspectluxagraf
2018-05-16changed layout of sightings pagesluxagraf
2018-04-02changed url of sightings to dialoguesluxagraf
2018-03-07added a people app as per derek sivers' suggestionluxagraf
2018-02-24fixed a bug in map data builderluxagraf
2018-02-06converted to new path url structure and updated pagination to handle it.luxagraf
2018-02-05abstracted the next prev links into utils so now they work for everyluxagraf
model that implements a get_%S_admin_link method and loads the JS
2018-02-03fixed some admin bugs with sketchesluxagraf
2018-02-03finished up notes app and made it liveluxagraf
2018-01-28fixed some bugs with building sightingsluxagraf
2018-01-28abstracted birds out to sightingsluxagraf
2017-12-20added tag list to top of links pageluxagraf
2017-09-06updated bird and jrnl admins to make maps and photos betterluxagraf
2017-05-01fixed map builderluxagraf
2017-04-06enabled homepage mapluxagraf
2016-12-28added some stylingluxagraf
2016-12-28added some styling hooksluxagraf
2016-12-28fixed some bugsluxagraf
2016-12-28rewrote pages builder to handle essaysluxagraf
2016-12-13polished up resume templatesluxagraf
2016-12-13updated resume and income trackers to simplifyluxagraf
2016-11-19added html output to tagline on homepageluxagraf
2016-11-04fixed some issues with projects page and archived photo galleriesluxagraf
2016-11-02commented out part of homepage to launch nowluxagraf
2016-11-01widened site, created new photo layouts and prepped homepage redesignluxagraf
2016-10-10started work on light version of homepage and made it possble for me toluxagraf
put links in comments