path: root/design/templates
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2019-04-13added photo credit to column width imagesluxagraf
2019-04-13fixed missing manifest fileluxagraf
2019-04-13fixed bug in fathom js script codeluxagraf
2019-04-13added fathom analyticsluxagraf
2019-04-13added tags to links adminluxagraf
2019-04-12fixed favicon linkluxagraf
2019-04-13changed service worker scriptlxf
2019-04-11added h-entry u-photo to notes templateluxagraf
2019-04-09added print stylesheetluxagraf
2019-03-25added audio insert to admin image inserterluxagraf
2019-03-22fixed comment preview template and latest redirectlxf
2019-03-22removed all optimizations since they made page slowerluxagraf
2019-03-22removed fontfaceluxagraf
2019-03-22added font definitions to inline stylesluxagraf
2019-03-22added rest of fonts to preloadluxagraf
2019-03-22added preload for one fontluxagraf
2019-03-22Merge branch 'master' of ssh://luxgit/luxagraf/luxagraf.netluxagraf
2019-03-22added preload for images.luxagraf.netluxagraf
2019-03-19fixed template bug with portrait imageslxf
2019-03-18eliminated static image from detail templateluxagraf
2019-03-17added a class name to main wrapper on detail pages for readabilityluxagraf
2019-03-15hid related for posts without relatedluxagraf
2019-03-15added related items complete with template and stylesluxagraf
2019-03-13fixed small bug in img templateluxagraf
2019-03-13tweaked header to no longer use h1/h2, updated stylesluxagraf
2019-03-12cleaned up comment styles with fancier fontsluxagraf
2019-03-12moved old sass files, redid comment form stylesluxagraf
2019-03-07added src to main siteluxagraf
2019-03-07added src to main siteluxagraf
2019-03-06added preamble to essay templateluxagraf
2019-03-06cleaned up template headers, added essay preamble to adminluxagraf
2019-03-03changed admin to use new fieldnotesluxagraf
2019-03-03got rid of old sketches modelluxagraf
2019-03-03get rid of sketches namespace in essay templateluxagraf
2019-03-03migrated essays to new field_notesluxagraf
2019-03-03fixed a bug with template urlsluxagraf
2019-03-03Change sketches to fieldnotes and redid design to allow posting singleluxagraf
2019-03-02fixed a small bug in homepage light layoutluxagraf
2019-03-02changed newsletter urlluxagraf
2019-03-02redirected newsletter, clean up homepage heroluxagraf
2019-02-28fixed some bugs for subtitlesluxagraf
2019-02-28changed to articleluxagraf
2019-02-28added rich text snippets to pageluxagraf
2019-02-25changed styles and intro to SRC sectionluxagraf
2019-02-24redid src to make essaysluxagraf
2019-02-22rearranged book header materialluxagraf
2019-02-22fixed breadcrumb bug in book templateluxagraf
2019-02-22fixed bug in afflink book templateluxagraf
2019-02-22changed book detail template slightly, added afflinkluxagraf
2019-02-19fixed some lingering design bugs with new fontsluxagraf