path: root/design/templates
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2019-02-12fixed a minor problem with email templatesluxagraf
2019-02-12fixed some HTML email template optionsluxagraf
2019-02-12finished up subscribe functions for lttrluxagraf
2019-02-11added newsletterluxagraf
2019-02-10changed line position in essay detail headerluxagraf
2019-02-10fixed some template and formating bugs in new designluxagraf
2019-02-08cleaned up projects builder and templates, new CSS fontsluxagraf
2019-02-08changed entry detail header a bit, CSSluxagraf
2019-02-08fixed some bugs in build processluxagraf
2019-02-08changed jrnl template locationsluxagraf
2019-02-08fixed up a bug with the afterward in essaysluxagraf
2019-02-08added if tags to hide afterward when there isn't oneluxagraf
2019-02-08changed essays to allow easier buildingluxagraf
2019-02-07updated stylesheets and added essaysluxagraf
2019-02-01redid jrnl to speed things up and use less memoryluxagraf
2019-01-23Fixed resume and pub builderluxagraf
2019-01-18cleaned up urls for work appluxagraf
2019-01-17fixed a strange max-height rule in django responsive cssluxagraf
2019-01-17updated resume appluxagraf
2019-01-13updated income and resume appsluxagraf
2019-01-12updated admin quick linksluxagraf
2019-01-03fixed title bug in new daily photo templateluxagraf
2019-01-03finished up builder and design for posting photosluxagraf
2019-01-03added a daily photo sectionluxagraf
2019-01-03fixed a bug in CSS at base of entry pagesluxagraf
2018-11-29added service worker to luxagrafluxagraf
2018-10-25fixed a bug in lightbox js, used defered loading for scriptsluxagraf
2018-10-25changed contact page templateluxagraf
2018-10-25made all javascript on detail pages delayed and asyncluxagraf
2018-10-25changed librepay to not load anything, styled paypal buttonluxagraf
2018-10-25pulled stats from base template, fix layout bug in comments templatesluxagraf
2018-10-24fixed video insertsluxagraf
2018-10-18cleaned up resume section to fit in new designluxagraf
2018-10-11got rid of matomo on src siteluxagraf
2018-10-07cleaned up some HTML CSS bugs in srcluxagraf
2018-10-08updated some stuff to work on Ubuntu 18.04luxagraf
2018-09-27version 9 of stylesheetluxagraf
2018-09-02added new Home model to templateluxagraf
2018-08-29fixed stylesheetluxagraf
2018-08-29fixed image insertluxagraf
2018-08-28rewrote js in image insertluxagraf
2018-08-02added email option and deleted flickr and instagramluxagraf
2018-07-11added truncate filter to sketches detailluxagraf
2018-07-08added campsites and homepage to frequently usedluxagraf
2018-07-07added campsite model, refactored some code to avoid circular imports,luxagraf
2018-07-03added location as child of other locationsluxagraf
2018-06-12changed sighting form to have datefieldluxagraf
2018-06-08added life list page and inline editing of sightings by animalluxagraf
2018-06-06added link to apluxagraf
2018-06-05changed homepage to use new featured_imageluxagraf