path: root/design
AgeCommit message (Collapse)Author
2016-02-25turning on AMP pagesluxagraf
2016-02-23made the comment form a bit nicer, kinder. trying to take my own advice.luxagraf
2016-02-21started work on a notes app, fixed breadcrumbs and push prelimaryluxagraf
version to the testing server. Haven't used since. Not sure what that means.
2016-02-18pulled building amp pages to its own button because it takes massiveluxagraf
amounts of memory.
2016-02-18finalized amp version of luxagrafluxagraf
2016-02-18added AMP template filter to replace img tags and strip out theluxagraf
disallowed HTML. Because somewhere to someone it makes sense to speed up pages by requiring javascript.
2016-02-08added note month and year archivesluxagraf
2016-02-08redid notes to make them self-contained and localluxagraf
2016-02-07moved rss feed link to point to new locationluxagraf
2016-02-07added in-page links to book highlights for easier linkingluxagraf
2016-02-03added code to projects to link to books, figments, etcluxagraf
2016-02-02fixed width bug in writing archivesluxagraf
2016-02-02pulled pagination into its own sass file and cleaned up stylesluxagraf
2016-01-27Added auto geolocation features to checkinluxagraf
2016-01-27fixed rss links for src and updated todo listluxagraf
2016-01-27added send to kindle link to figmentsluxagraf
2016-01-19added my daily journal recording app, weather grabbing widget andluxagraf
checkin model. Still need to add widget to checkin admin to automatically grab the geodata from device.
2016-01-08minor tweaks to resume, added linkedin linkluxagraf
2016-01-07added a little intro to each resume pub section explaining why I don'tluxagraf
have all the links to every story
2016-01-02added link to download original image and fixed a spacing bug in photoluxagraf
2016-01-02fixed a bug in map build and added a sans-caption class to css for photoluxagraf
2015-12-29Cleaned up the figments template and added some style to hr tagsluxagraf
2015-12-29added figments builder to admin buttonsluxagraf
2015-12-29added some styles for new photo galleriesluxagraf
2015-12-29added some css for stopping touch delay on mobile forms, etcluxagraf
2015-12-23added autocomplete to tag fields in Links adminluxagraf
2015-12-17add a dirty hack to split on qq so as to avoid splitting on whitespace.luxagraf
horrible. but whatever, it works
2015-12-17made the admin thumbnail widget a bit nicerluxagraf
2015-12-17tweaked admin thumbnailsluxagraf
2015-12-17tweaked thumbnail sizing in changelistluxagraf
2015-12-17added basic gallery outline with new style field in admin and madeluxagraf
thumbnails for gallery image select field
2015-12-15added admin button to build new style galleriesluxagraf
2015-12-15added next prev buttons to image admin for faster editingluxagraf
2015-12-15added custom template to show image on detail pageluxagraf
2015-12-13added template tags to get get image url and re-wrote gallery templateluxagraf
to use new syntax. also added some migrations.
2015-12-13added resizing function to photo uploads and changed wording on commentsluxagraf
2015-12-09added some paddding to top of elliott video pageluxagraf
2015-12-09added a contrain_wide rule to elliottvideos pageluxagraf
2015-12-07finished up resume sectionluxagraf
2015-12-07added builder to resume sectionluxagraf
2015-12-07added ability to edit resume landing and cv from pages appluxagraf
2015-12-01added open graph tags to src detail pagesluxagraf
2015-12-01added two assets to design elementsluxagraf
2015-12-01updated site to work with django 1.9's new admin lookluxagraf
2015-11-27fixed OG tag bugs in scr_book.htmlluxagraf
2015-11-26Merge branch 'master' of ssh://luxagraf:/home/lxf/git/luxagrafluxagraf
2015-11-26added open graph and twitter tags to book pagesluxagraf
2015-11-27fixed a bug in book image url and added template for elliott videos pageluxagraf
2015-11-26added some new styles for rwd book pageluxagraf