
Roaming Guide


Advice, Tools, Tips, and Tricks for Full Time Van or RV Life.


I don't want to tell you how to travel. Everyone is different. Besides, even after twenty some odd years of travel, I am still learning.


Guides and How-Tos


Advice, Tools, Tips, and Tricks for Life.


I don't know how many of these I'll do, but I wanted to have a place to share some things I've learned, so I made this page. So far, just some thoughts on photography and how to use the Darktable image editor.

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I don't want to tell you how to travel. Everyone is different. Besides, even after twenty some odd years of travel, I am still learning.

I've always been most inspired by wandering monks and nuns, those who walked or sailed with next to nothing and survived. Mostly. Today most of us are not that skilled or strong of will, but keeping that example in mind is helpful. The less stuff you travel with the better off you are. Up to a point. Having the right tools is important. The right tools make life easier and more fun.


I put this together to help you find the tools you need. These aren't casual reviews. These are things I have spent years seeking out, using, and refining. In the end what you need are not things, but strategies and tools that allow you to create solutions to problems.


I put this together to help you find the tools you need. These aren't casual reviews. These are things I have spent years seeking out, using, and refining. In the end what you need are not things, but strategies and tools that allow you to create solutions to problems.



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