From 84abb974c8fc4cf74e929d8497b29771e7d9c84a Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: luxagraf <>
Date: Thu, 10 Oct 2024 15:18:00 -0500
Subject: deleted some old cruft

 .../jrnlold/2016/01/bring-on-the-change.amp        | 186 ----------
 .../jrnlold/2016/01/bring-on-the-change.html       | 395 ---------------------
 .../jrnlold/2016/01/bring-on-the-change.txt        |  23 --
 bak/oldluxpages/jrnlold/2016/01/index.html         | 104 ------
 4 files changed, 708 deletions(-)
 delete mode 100644 bak/oldluxpages/jrnlold/2016/01/bring-on-the-change.amp
 delete mode 100644 bak/oldluxpages/jrnlold/2016/01/bring-on-the-change.html
 delete mode 100644 bak/oldluxpages/jrnlold/2016/01/bring-on-the-change.txt
 delete mode 100644 bak/oldluxpages/jrnlold/2016/01/index.html

(limited to 'bak/oldluxpages/jrnlold/2016/01')

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-    <meta name="twitter:description" content="I&#39;ve been thinking about this little mantra ever since I saw it six or seven years ago. I don&#39;t think I&#39;ve ever seen what I consider the secret to happiness so succinctly and completely captured."/>
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-    <meta property="og:description" content="I&#39;ve been thinking about this little mantra ever since I saw it six or seven years ago. I don&#39;t think I&#39;ve ever seen what I consider the secret to happiness so succinctly and completely captured." />
-    <meta property="article:published_time" content="2016-01-01T02:13:13" />
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-    "datePublished": "2016-01-01T02:13:13",
-    "author": {
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-    <article class="h-entry hentry post--article" itemscope itemType="">
-            <header id="header" class="post--header ">
-                <h1 class="p-name entry-title post--title" itemprop="headline">Bring on the&nbsp;Change</h1>
-                <time class="dt-published published dt-updated post--date" datetime="2016-01-01T02:13:13" itemprop="datePublished">January <span>1, 2016</span></time>
-            <p class="p-author author hide" itemprop="author"><span class="byline-author" itemscope itemtype=""><span itemprop="name">Scott Gilbertson</span></span></p>
-                <aside class="p-location h-adr adr post--location" itemprop="contentLocation" itemscope itemtype="">
-                    <span class="p-locality locality">Athens</span>, <a class="p-region region" href="/jrnl/united-states/" title="travel writing from the United States">Georgia</a>, <span class="p-country-name">U.S.</span>
-                </aside>
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-        <div id="article" class="e-content entry-content post--body post--body--single" itemprop="articleBody">
-            <p>I've been thinking about this little mantra ever since I saw it six or seven years ago. I don't think I've ever seen what I consider the secret to happiness so succinctly and completely captured. </p>
-<p>I'm reprinting it here because I've been putting into action lately. And the author of this little guide happiness, Mark Pilgrim, removed his entire online presence back in 2011. When he originally published it in '09 or so he said he was on step 4. I assume he eventually made it to step 8.  </p>
-<li>Stop buying stuff you don't need</li>
-<li>Pay off all your credit cards</li>
-<li>Get rid of all the stuff that doesn't fit in your house/apartment storage lockers, etc.</li>
-<li>Get rid of all the stuff that doesn't fit on the first floor of your house attic, garage, etc.</li>
-<li>Get rid of all the stuff that doesn't fit in one room of your house</li>
-<li>Get rid of all the stuff that doesn't fit in a suitcase</li>
-<li>Get rid of all the stuff that doesn't fit in a backpack</li>
-<li>Get rid of the backpack</li>
-<p>I would say I am simultaneously on steps 2 and 4, with 5 and even 6 in sight. </p>
-<p>For the record, while I understand wandering monks and the like, right now I personally have no desire to go beyond step 7. Still, if I learned nothing else from Tolstoy, I did learn that you never know when you'll end wandering.</p>
-        </div>
-        </article>
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-    <meta property="og:description" content="I&#x27;ve been thinking about this little mantra ever since I saw it six or seven years ago. I don&#x27;t think I&#x27;ve ever seen what I consider the secret to happiness so succinctly and completely captured." />
-    <meta property="article:published_time" content="2016-01-01T02:13:13" />
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-    <meta name="twitter:description" content="I&#x27;ve been thinking about this little mantra ever since I saw it six or seven years ago. I don&#x27;t think I&#x27;ve ever seen what I consider the secret to happiness so succinctly and completely captured."/>
-    <meta name="twitter:title" content="Bring on the Change"/>
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-  "headline": "Bring on the Change",
-  "datePublished": "2016-01-01T02:13:13+04:00",
-  "dateModified": "2016-01-01T02:13:13+04:00",
-  "author": {
-    "@type": "Person",
-    "name": "Scott Gilbertson"
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-    "name": "Luxagraf",
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-  "description": "I&#x27;ve been thinking about this little mantra ever since I saw it six or seven years ago. I don&#x27;t think I&#x27;ve ever seen what I consider the secret to happiness so succinctly and completely captured."
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-    <article class="h-entry hentry entry-content content" itemscope itemType="">
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-                <h1 class="p-name entry-title post-title" itemprop="headline">Bring on the Change</h1>
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-                    <h3 class="h-adr" itemprop="address" itemscope itemtype=""><span class="p-locality locality" itemprop="addressLocality">Athens</span>, <a class="p-region region" href="/jrnl/united-states/" title="travel writing from the United States">Georgia</a>, <span class="p-country-name" itemprop="addressCountry">U.S.</span></h3>
-                     &ndash;&nbsp;<a href="" onclick="showMap(33.958016998057886, -83.4080862457218, { type:'point', lat:'33.958016998057886', lon:'-83.4080862457218'}); return false;" title="see a map">Map</a>
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-                <time class="dt-published published dt-updated post-date" datetime="2016-01-01T02:13:13" itemprop="datePublished">January <span>1, 2016</span></time>
-                <span class="hide" itemprop="author" itemscope itemtype="">by <a class="p-author h-card" href="/about"><span itemprop="name">Scott Gilbertson</span></a></span>
-                </div>
-            </header>
-        <div id="article" class="e-content entry-content post--body post--body--single" itemprop="articleBody">
-            <p>I&#8217;ve been thinking about this little mantra ever since I saw it six or seven years ago. I don&#8217;t think I&#8217;ve ever seen what I consider the secret to happiness so succinctly and completely captured. </p>
-<p>I&#8217;m reprinting it here because I&#8217;ve been putting into action lately. And the author of this little guide happiness, Mark Pilgrim, removed his entire online presence back in 2011. When he originally published it in &#8216;09 or so he said he was on step 4. I assume he eventually made it to step 8.  </p>
-<li>Stop buying stuff you don&#8217;t need</li>
-<li>Pay off all your credit cards</li>
-<li>Get rid of all the stuff that doesn&#8217;t fit in your house/apartment storage lockers, etc.</li>
-<li>Get rid of all the stuff that doesn&#8217;t fit on the first floor of your house attic, garage, etc.</li>
-<li>Get rid of all the stuff that doesn&#8217;t fit in one room of your house</li>
-<li>Get rid of all the stuff that doesn&#8217;t fit in a suitcase</li>
-<li>Get rid of all the stuff that doesn&#8217;t fit in a backpack</li>
-<li>Get rid of the backpack</li>
-<p>I would say I am simultaneously on steps 2 and 4, with 5 and even 6 in sight. </p>
-<p>For the record, while I understand wandering monks and the like, right now I personally have no desire to go beyond step 7. Still, if I learned nothing else from Tolstoy, I did learn that you never know when you&#8217;ll end wandering.</p>
-        </div>
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-                <li><a href="/dialogues/brown-thrasher">Brown Thrasher</a> </li>
-                <li>Canada Goose </li>
-                <li>Carolina Chickadee </li>
-                <li>Chipping Sparrow </li>
-                <li>Downy Woodpecker </li>
-                <li>Eastern Bluebird </li>
-                <li>Eastern Towhee </li>
-                <li>Gray Catbird </li>
-                <li>Great Blue Heron </li>
-                <li>Hooded Warbler </li>
-                <li><a href="/dialogues/northern-cardinal">Northern Cardinal</a> </li>
-                <li><a href="/dialogues/northern-mockingbird">Northern Mockingbird</a> </li>
-                <li>Red-bellied Woodpecker </li>
-                <li><a href="/dialogues/summer-tanager">Summer Tanager</a> </li>
-                <li>Tufted Titmouse </li>
-                <li>Wood Duck </li>
-                <li>Yellow-rumped Warbler </li>
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-<p style="font-size: 95%;"><strong>All comments are moderated</strong>, so you won&#8217;t see it right away. And please remember Kurt Vonnegut's rule: &#8220;god damn it, you&#8217;ve got to be kind.&#8221; You can use Markdown or HTML to format your comments. The allowed tags are <code>&lt;b&gt;, &lt;i&gt;, &lt;em&gt;, &lt;strong&gt;, &lt;a&gt;</code>. To create a new paragraph hit return twice. </p>
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-Bring on the Change
-    by Scott Gilbertson
-    </jrnl/2016/01/bring-on-the-change>
-    Friday, 01 January 2016
-I've been thinking about this little mantra ever since I saw it six or seven years ago. I don't think I've ever seen what I consider the secret to happiness so succinctly and completely captured. 
-I'm reprinting it here because I've been putting into action lately. And the author of this little guide happiness, Mark Pilgrim, removed his entire online presence back in 2011. When he originally published it in '09 or so he said he was on step 4. I assume he eventually made it to step 8.  
->1.    Stop buying stuff you don't need
->2.    Pay off all your credit cards
->3.    Get rid of all the stuff that doesn't fit in your house/apartment storage lockers, etc.
->4.    Get rid of all the stuff that doesn't fit on the first floor of your house attic, garage, etc.
->5.    Get rid of all the stuff that doesn't fit in one room of your house
->6.    Get rid of all the stuff that doesn't fit in a suitcase
->7.    Get rid of all the stuff that doesn't fit in a backpack
->8.    Get rid of the backpack
-I would say I am simultaneously on steps 2 and 4, with 5 and even 6 in sight. 
-For the record, while I understand wandering monks and the like, right now I personally have no desire to go beyond step 7. Still, if I learned nothing else from Tolstoy, I did learn that you never know when you'll end wandering.
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