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This is the website of Scott Gilbertson. I am a writer and publisher living in Athens, Georgia.

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I used to work for Wired.com, where I wrote for and later edited/produced Webmonkey.com among other sites. I still freelance for Wired (also, here) and I write about open source software and related topics for publications like Ars Technica, The Register and elsewhere.

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I’ve also been published in some dead tree magazines like Consumer Digest and Budget Travel. I once appeared on National Public Radio.

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Perpetually out of date curriculum vitæ available for those who like such things.

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The personal section of my site, which is primarily about my travels can be found at the root of this URL.

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If you’d like me to write, edit, develop or consult on a website, you can contact me at sng @ luxagraf.net. For consulting on writing or web development projects, please get in touch via my clarity.fm profile.

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Thank you for visiting.
