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- Scott - Nathan - Gilbertson -


Writer, Photographer, Web Developer

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- {{resume.skills_html|smartypants|widont|safe}} - -
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{% for job in resume.jobs.all %} -


  • –{% if job.date_end %}{%else%}present{%endif%}
  • -
- {% if job.employer %}

Employer: {{job.employer}}

{%endif%} -


{% endfor %} - - {%comment%} -

Web Developer

  • (–Present) -
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Co-founded a small design company where I serve as front-end web developer. I work closely with my co-founder (lead UI/UX), transforming visual designs into valid, semantic HTML/CSS/JavaScript. We specialize in responsive designs and mobile-friendly content that works across browsers and devices. Clients included Wired, Pioneer Entertainment, Boost Mobile, Co-op Credit Union and others.

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Founder, LongHandPixels Press

  • (–Present) -
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Founded an ebook publishing company, LongHandPixels Press and launched my first book, Build a Better Web with Responsive Web Design. The book covers responsive design, mobile-first web development, progressive enhancement and how modern tools like Sass, Grunt, Node, the Chrome developer tools and more can speed up workflows. -

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Writer/Editor Webmonkey.com

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I started contributing tutorials to Wired.com’s Webmonkey.com in 1999, became a full time employee in 2006 and served as editor-in-chief from 2010 to 2013. I was in charge of creating resources for web developers, including how-to guides on the latest in web standards, code libraries, server technologies and authoring resources. Wrote roughly 3 million words on various web development tools. I also helped cultivate and manage a global team of freelance contributors.

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Photography and Video Editing

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Co-founded a video editing company, Barrelman Productions, specializing in HD aerial video. Portfolio and highlights reel available at http://www.barrelmanproductions.com/. Skills include editing in , , and production of web-optimized video.

- {%endcomment%} - -


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Bachelor of Arts, English

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