Currently caught in the middle between static_generator and build

Static generator is cleaner, but much of the build code is hard to port. Keep going back and rorth and so far neither works save for building the feed.

What I should do is refactor both into a single clean module with methods for building the things I need to be able to build:

# each section individually
    * All Writing pages  -- done
    * All Photo -- done
    * All Projects --done
    * All Pages (about, contact, etc) -- done
    * Links 
# Everything needed to post a new entry...
    * writing archives
    * map
    * homepage
    * feed
    * sitemap
# Individual pages that need periodic rebuilding
    * feed -- done
    * sitemap -- done
    * map -- done
# The whole goddamn thing.

In build each model has a build function that calls all the routines necessary to build everything. I like that model, but then I need to expose those functions a bit more.