import os from math import ceil from decimal import Decimal from django.test.client import Client from django.template.loader import render_to_string from django.template import Context from django.db.models import get_model from django.conf import settings class Build(): def write_file(self, path, text_object, ext='html', filename='index'): """ Given a path and object intended to be a webpage, write the page the disc """ path = '%s%s' % (settings.FLATFILES_ROOT, path) if not os.path.isdir(path): os.makedirs(path) fpath = '%s%s.%s' % (path, filename, ext) file = open(fpath, 'wb') file.write(text_object) file.close() if ext == 'js': from jsmin import jsmin fpath = '%s%s.min.%s' % (path, filename, ext) compressed = jsmin(text_object.decode(encoding='UTF-8')) with open(fpath, 'wb') as js_file: minified = js_file.write(compressed.encode('utf-8')) js_file.close() def build_archive_pages(self, qs=None, base_path='', paginate_by=10): """ Archive Page builder that actually crawls the urls because we need to be able to pass a request object to the template """ if qs is None: qs = self.get_model_querset() c = Client() pages = ceil(Decimal(qs.count()) / Decimal(paginate_by)) for page in range(int(pages)): path = '%s%s/' % (base_path, page + 1) url = '/%s%s/' % (base_path, str(page + 1)) page_url = base_path + '%d/' response =, {'page_url': page_url, 'page': int(page), 'builder': True}, HTTP_HOST='') if page == 0: self.write_file(base_path, response.content) self.write_file(path, response.content) class BuildWriting(Build): def build(self): self.build_detail_pages() self.build_writing_archives() self.build_country_archive_pages() self.build_region_archive_pages() self.build_homepage() self.writing_year_archives() self.writing_month_archives() def get_model_querset(self): model = get_model('blog', 'entry') qs = model.objects.filter(status__exact=1) return qs def build_detail_pages(self): ''' Grab all the blog posts, render them to a template string and write that out to the filesystem ''' qs = self.get_model_querset() for entry in qs: c = Context({'object': entry, 'MEDIA_URL': settings.BAKED_MEDIA_URL, 'IMAGES_URL': settings.BAKED_IMAGES_URL}) t = render_to_string('details/entry.html', c).encode('utf-8') path = '%s/%s/' % (entry.pub_date.strftime("%Y/%b/%d").lower(), entry.slug) self.write_file(path, t) s = render_to_string('details/entry.txt', c).encode('utf-8') self.write_file(path, s, 'txt') def build_writing_archives(self): qs = self.get_model_querset() self.build_archive_pages(qs, 'writing/') def build_region_archive_pages(self): model = get_model('locations', 'Region') blog = get_model('blog', 'entry') regions = model.objects.all() for c in regions: qs = blog.objects.filter(status__exact=1,'-pub_date') path = 'writing/%s/' % (c.slug) self.build_archive_pages(qs, path) def build_country_archive_pages(self): model = get_model('locations', 'Country') blog = get_model('blog', 'entry') countries = model.objects.filter(visited=True) for c in countries: qs = blog.objects.filter(status__exact=1, location__state__country=c).order_by('-pub_date') path = 'writing/%s/' % (c.slug) self.build_archive_pages(qs, path) def writing_year_archives(self): entry = get_model('blog', 'entry') years = entry.objects.dates('pub_date', 'year') for year in years: year = year.strftime('%Y') qs = entry.objects.filter(status__exact=1, pub_date__year=year).order_by('-pub_date') c = Context({'type': 'year', 'date': year, 'object_list': qs}) t = render_to_string('archives/writing_date.html', c).encode('utf-8') fpath = '%s/' % (year) self.write_file(fpath, t) def writing_month_archives(self): entry = get_model('blog', 'entry') months = entry.objects.dates('pub_date', 'month') for m in months: year = m.strftime('%Y') month = m.strftime('%m') month_name = m.strftime('%b') month_full_name = m.strftime('%B') qs = entry.objects.filter(status__exact=1, pub_date__year=year, pub_date__month=month).order_by('-pub_date') c = Context({'type': 'monthly', 'date': '%s %s' % ( month_full_name, year), 'object_list': qs, }) t = render_to_string('archives/writing_date.html', c).encode('utf-8') fpath = '%s/%s/' % (year, month_name) self.write_file(fpath, t) def build_homepage(self): qs = get_model('blog', 'entry').objects.filter(status__exact=1)[:4] c = Context({'object_list': qs, 'MEDIA_URL': settings.BAKED_MEDIA_URL, 'IMAGES_URL': settings.BAKED_IMAGES_URL}) t = render_to_string('archives/homepage.html', c).encode('utf-8') self.write_file('', t) class BuildPhotos(Build): def build(self): self.build_photo_archive_pages() self.build_detail_pages() self.build_js() def build_photo_archive_pages(self): qs = get_model('photos', 'PhotoGallery').objects.all() self.build_archive_pages(qs, 'photos/', 18) def build_detail_pages(self): qs = get_model('photos', 'PhotoGallery').objects.all() for photo in qs: c = Context({'object': photo, 'MEDIA_URL': settings.BAKED_MEDIA_URL, 'IMAGES_URL': settings.BAKED_IMAGES_URL}) t = render_to_string('details/photo_galleries.html', c).encode('utf-8') path = 'photos/galleries/%s/' % (photo.set_slug) self.write_file(path, t) def build_js(self): fpath = '%sdesign/templates/js/leaflet-providers.js' % settings.PROJ_ROOT leaflet_providers_js = open(fpath, 'r').read() fpath = '%sapp/photos/photos.js' % settings.PROJ_ROOT photos_js = open(fpath, 'r', encoding='UTF8').read() js = leaflet_providers_js + photos_js self.write_file('media/js/', js.encode('utf-8'), 'js', 'photos') class BuildProjects(Build): def build(self): self.build_project_archive() self.build_project_details() self.build_project_data() self.build_gifs() self.build_np_basejs() def get_projects(self): all_proj = [] projects = get_model('projects', 'Project').objects.filter(status__exact=1).order_by('-pub_date') for proj in projects: row = {'slug': proj.slug, 'name': proj.model_name} all_proj.append(row) return all_proj def build_project_archive(self): qs = get_model('projects', 'Project').objects.filter(status__exact=1).order_by('-pub_date') c = Context({'object_list': qs, 'MEDIA_URL': settings.BAKED_MEDIA_URL, 'IMAGES_URL': settings.BAKED_IMAGES_URL}) t = render_to_string('archives/projects.html', c).encode('utf-8') self.write_file('projects/', t) def build_project_details(self): projects = self.get_projects() for proj in projects: model = get_model('projects', proj['name']) if proj['name'] == 'NationalParks': qs = model.objects.filter(visited__exact=True).order_by("-date_visited_begin") else: qs = model.objects.filter(status__exact=1) c = Context({ 'object_list': qs, 'MEDIA_URL': settings.BAKED_MEDIA_URL, 'IMAGES_URL': settings.BAKED_IMAGES_URL }) t = render_to_string('details/%s.html' % (proj['slug']), c).encode('utf-8') path = 'projects/%s/' % (proj['slug']) self.write_file(path, t) """ not sure how to handle projects really, the above doesn't work and if I just keep writing if/else statements that gets messy, so I guess functions it is. """ def build_gifs(self): qs = get_model('projects', 'AnimatedGif').objects.all() for gif in qs: c = Context({ 'object': gif, 'MEDIA_URL': settings.BAKED_MEDIA_URL, 'IMAGES_URL': settings.BAKED_IMAGES_URL }) t = render_to_string('details/gifs.html', c).encode('utf-8') path = 'projects/gifs/%s/' % (gif.slug) self.write_file(path, t) def build_project_data(self): model = get_model('projects', 'NationalParks') for park in model.objects.filter(visited__exact=True): path = 'projects/data/natparks/' json = park.mpoly.json self.write_file(path, json.encode('utf-8'), 'json', def build_np_basejs(self): fpath = '%sdesign/templates/js/leaflet-providers.js' % settings.PROJ_ROOT leaflet_providers_js = open(fpath, 'r').read() fpath = '%sapp/projects/natparks.js' % settings.PROJ_ROOT natparks_js = open(fpath, 'r').read() js = leaflet_providers_js + natparks_js self.write_file('media/js/', js.encode('utf-8'), 'js', 'natparks') class BuildSitemap(Build): def build(self): c = Client() response = c.get('/sitemap.xml', HTTP_HOST='') self.write_file('', response.content, 'xml', 'sitemap') class BuildWritingFeed(Build): def build(self): qs = get_model('blog', 'entry').objects.filter(status__exact=1).order_by('-pub_date')[:20] c = Context({'object_list': qs, 'SITE_URL': settings.SITE_URL}) t = render_to_string('feed.xml', c).encode('utf-8') fpath = '%s' % ('rss/',) self.write_file(fpath, t, 'xml') class BuildMap(Build): def build(self): qs = get_model('blog', 'entry').objects.filter(status__exact=1) cl = get_model('locations', 'Country').objects.filter(visited=True).exclude(name='default') rl = get_model('locations', 'Region').objects.all() rtl = get_model('locations', 'Route').objects.all() c = Context({ 'object_list': qs, 'country_list': cl, 'region_list': rl, 'route_list': rtl, 'MEDIA_URL': settings.BAKED_MEDIA_URL, 'IMAGES_URL': settings.BAKED_IMAGES_URL }) t = render_to_string('archives/map_data.html', c).encode('utf-8') fpath = '%sdesign/templates/js/leaflet-providers.js' % settings.PROJ_ROOT leaflet_providers_js = open(fpath, 'r').read() js = leaflet_providers_js + t.decode(encoding='utf-8') self.write_file('media/js/', js.encode('utf-8'), 'js', 'mainmap') c = Context({ 'country_list': cl, 'region_list': rl, 'route_list': rtl, 'MEDIA_URL': settings.BAKED_MEDIA_URL, 'IMAGES_URL': settings.BAKED_IMAGES_URL }) t = render_to_string('archives/map.html', c).encode('utf-8') self.write_file('map/', t) class BuildPages(Build): def build(self): model = get_model('pages', 'page') pages = model.objects.all() for page in pages: c = Context({'object': page, 'SITE_URL': settings.SITE_URL, 'MEDIA_URL': settings.BAKED_MEDIA_URL, 'IMAGES_URL': settings.BAKED_IMAGES_URL}) t = render_to_string( ["details/%s.html" % page.slug, 'details/page.html'], c).encode('utf-8') s = render_to_string('details/page.txt', c).encode('utf-8') fpath = '%s/' % (page.slug) self.write_file(fpath, t) self.write_file(fpath, s, 'txt') class BuildContact(Build): def build(self): c = Client() response = c.get('/contact/', HTTP_HOST = '') path = '%scontact/' % (settings.BAKED_ROOT) if not os.path.isdir(path): os.makedirs(path) fpath = '%sindex.html' % (path) self.write_file(fpath, response.content)