from django.contrib import admin from django import forms from guide.models import Guide from django.contrib.gis.admin import OSMGeoAdmin from import GoogleMap from django.conf import settings GMAP = GoogleMap(key=settings.GOOGLE_MAPS_API_KEY) class GuideAdmin(OSMGeoAdmin): list_display = ('title', 'pub_date','template_name', 'status','location','photo_gallery') search_fields = ['title', 'body_markdown'] prepopulated_fields = {"slug" : ('title',)} list_filter = ('pub_date', 'status','location__state__country__lux_region','location') fieldsets = ( ('Note', {'fields': ('title','body_markdown', ('location'), 'pub_date', 'status', 'slug','photo_gallery'), 'classes': ('show','extrapretty','wide')}), ('Extra', {'fields': ('dek', 'meta_description','template_name', ('image', 'thumbnail')), 'classes': ('collapse', 'wide')}), ) class Media: js = ['/media/admin/custom/model.js'] extra_js = [GMAP.api_url + GMAP.key] map_template = 'gis/admin/google.html' #map_template = 'gis/admin/google.html' # Default GeoDjango OpenLayers map options # Uncomment and modify as desired # To learn more about this jargon visit: # default_lon = -9314310 default_lat = 3991847 default_zoom = 6 #display_wkt = False #display_srid = False #extra_js = [] #num_zoom = 18 #max_zoom = False #min_zoom = False #units = False #max_resolution = False #max_extent = False #modifiable = True #mouse_position = True #scale_text = True #layerswitcher = True scrollable = False #admin_media_prefix = settings.ADMIN_MEDIA_PREFIX map_width = 700 map_height = 325 #map_srid = 4326 #map_template = 'gis/admin/openlayers.html' #openlayers_url = '' #wms_url = '' #wms_layer = 'basic' #wms_name = 'OpenLayers WMS' #debug = False #widget = OpenLayersWidget, GuideAdmin)