Merry Christmas 2005 ==================== by Scott Gilbertson </jrnl/2005/12/merry-christmas-2005> Sunday, 25 December 2005 <span class="drop">S</span>easons Greeting from luxagraf. I'm in Bangkok, Thailand at the moment and while it doesn't have a very Christmasy feel, but it's a great city. Very much like Los Angeles — looks similar, weather's about the same, but the food is ten times better and the river actually has water in it. I am taking a short break from traveling to do a little working so I don't have much to report. I've seen the two big temples down in the Khaosan Rd area, but otherwise I've been trying to live an ordinary life. Get up in the morning and work, take a lunch break go back to work, ironically most of the things I didn't want to do back home. Strange though it may sound, this routine is actually appealing right now, but that will probably only last another week. <break> I just wanted to post a little seasons greeting message to all of you still following along and thank you for your support. Cheers!