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                <time class="dt-published published dt-updated post-date" datetime="2014-12-18T20:40:31" itemprop="datePublished">December <span>18, 2014</span></time>
                <span class="hide" itemprop="author" itemscope itemtype="http://schema.org/Person">by <a class="p-author h-card" href="/about"><span itemprop="name">Scott Gilbertson</span></a></span>
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            <p><a href="http://www.visitdenmark.com/en-us/denmark/culture/art-danish-hygge">Hygge</a> is a Danish word. There is no real English translation. Approximations apparently include &#8220;togetherness&#8221;, &#8220;well-being&#8221; and something like &#8220;coziness&#8221; if coziness were a word we applied not to physical things, but mental ones. </p>
<p>It is in other words, more or less impossible to pin down in English, but here&#8217;s what&#8217;s easy to understand &#8212; the feeling the word is meant to describe. Abandon words and picture your ideal day spent with your favorite people, eating the best food you&#8217;ve ever had and so on. Notice the feeling that produces in you. That, as I understand it, is more or less Hygge. </p>
<p>It&#8217;s a hard thing to come by most of the time in our culture. Most people work all day and most people do not have Hygge-inducing jobs. It also seem to be pretty near impossible to manufacture Hygge out of thin air.</p>
<p>The only way I know how to manufacture something like Hygge out of thin air is to take a few of my favorite people and make something wonderful like Bourbon Bacon Bark.</p>
<p><img alt="bourbon bacon toffee bark" class="picwide960" src="https://images.luxagraf.net/2014/bourbon-bacon-bark.jpg"/></p>
<p>I am a pretty good cook, but a terrible baker. The rest of the year I avoid baking. The precision necessary for good results just doesn&#8217;t appeal to me most of the time. But this time of year is all about sugar so I give it shot anyway. Besides, my wife makes a fantastic fudge which can pick up the slack when my efforts fall short. </p>
<p>I stick with simpler things I&#8217;m not likely to screw up, like sugar cookies. Or my more recent addition, Bourbon Bacon Bark.</p>
<p>It started last year when I ran across this <a href="http://www.nwedible.com/2013/12/bourbon-pecan-toffee-bark.html">amazing recipe over at NWEdible</a>. As good as that recipe is I&#8217;m completely unable to follow a recipe without injecting my own ideas in there somewhere. About half a second after I saw the title of that recipe I knew it was missing just one small, alliterative ingredient &#8212; bacon.</p>
<p>Bourbon Bacon Bark. The words just feel right &#8212; there&#8217;s a rhythm there that almost guarantees the results will be great. This is what happens when writers cook.</p>
<p>If you&#8217;d like to make my version, follow NWEdible&#8217;s recipe, but when you&#8217;re melting the butter, toss in a tablespoon or two of bacon fat.</p>
<p>Then, when you stir in the pecans at the end, go ahead and add in a couple nice thick slices of bacon cooked up extra crispy and crumbled. Without the chocolate it isn&#8217;t all that pretty.</p>
<p><img alt="bourbon bacon toffee bark unchocolated" class="picfull" src="https://images.luxagraf.net/2014/bourbon-bacon-bark-bare.jpg"/></p>
<p>The point of course is get everyone involved. I finished off dozens of crème brûlées a night in my time at the <a href="http://fiveandten.com/">5 &amp; 10</a> dessert station, so I know very well how badly melted sugar burns. Suffice to say kids would not enjoy it,  so I kept the girls back a bit, which earned me this look.</p>
<p><img alt="fake scorn" class="picfull" src="https://images.luxagraf.net/2014/l-fake-scorn.jpg"/></p>
<p>Chocolate on the other hand is pretty harmless. And the girls are big on stirring things. Even things that don&#8217;t need to be stirred.</p>
<p><img alt="chocolate stir" class="picfull" src="https://images.luxagraf.net/2014/chocolate-stir.jpg"/></p>
<p><img alt="chocolate face" class="picfull" src="https://images.luxagraf.net/2014/l-chocolate.jpg"/></p>
<p>Until of course the chocolate is gone. You&#8217;re making more right? What?</p>
<p><img alt="chocolate face" class="picfull" src="https://images.luxagraf.net/2014/chocolate-gone.jpg"/></p>
<p>Plenty of Bourbon Bacon Bark left though.</p>
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