by Scott Gilbertson
Wednesday, 22 January 2020
I dislike traveling.
This will seem like a strange comment coming from someone like me, but it's true. I don't like traveling. By traveling I mean leaving home, leaving your sanctuary, your familiar. To leave is to disconnect, to be adrift. It's exhilarating in one way, draining and tragic in another.
Maybe it's neither and I complain too much. Still, I have never seen living in the big blue bus as traveling. My home is like yours. I am just as connected to it. It may move from place to place, but I never leave home. Or I try not to anyway. Sometimes you do though.
First I went to Las Vegas for work. Las Vegas is America turned to 11. It's awful, but also hard to look away. The Strip, where I stayed, is strange place, like being inside a pinball machine, bouncing from bright light to bright light. At least there was good Thai food. I got to see some old friends and make some new ones. It was a lot more fun than I thought it would be, but Las Vegas is still just... too much.
The last night I was there I walked a couple miles to try to get a better sense of the city. I started from my hotel, went down the strip, and turned west at the first street. The desert air was sharp and clear, so dry you worry it'll start crackling.
Once you're fifty feet away from the strip Las Vegas becomes an ordinary western city. I walked broad highway-like streets designed never to be walked. I took a convoluted freeway overpass walkway lined with the tents of a homeless village. It was a warm night for January. Several people returned my hello from beneath nylon tarps.
After a while time ran out for my walk and I called a ride. I met some old friends for dinner. It was nice to be around normal people after a week on the strip. It's exhausting being in crowds in Vegas. The desperation and longing are palpable and it seeps into you. Later I caught another ride straight back to the hotel. I took a cold shower and caught a plane back home before the sun rose.