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India-Udaipur Around Town_11_27_05_01
MapI was lucky, the lake was full when I arrived. I've seen photos when the lake is pretty much just grass and it isn't nearly as nice.
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I was lucky, the lake was full when I arrived. I've seen photos when the lake is pretty much just grass and it isn't nearly as nice.
Indian architecture seems to call for tons of little sitting rooms I guess you would call them, for lack of a better word. perhaps gazebo is closer. If you're up for a bit a reading, have a go at the accompanying travelogue entry Around Udaipur
The lake palace. Where Octopussy was filmed. For more info see: Around Udaipur
Udaipur really looks best at night. This was taken from a rooftop restaurant.
No idea what sort of bird this is, but it was quite striking.
An Indian Wedding procession. The ceremony would go on for another two day, this was just some sort of preliminary event.
The groom. If you're the reading type, you might enjoy: Around Udaipur
If you're the reading type, you might enjoy: Around Udaipur
These boys saw me taking pictures and insisted that I snap one of them.
Everybody loves an elephant. If you're the reading type, you might enjoy: Around Udaipur