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Most of these are actually meant to be stitched together into a panorama, but somehow I never seem to get around to that. For more check out my personal site: Sunset Over The Himalayas
If you'd like to read about Sarangkot, check out my personal site: Sunset Over The Himalayas
If you'd like to read about Sarangkot, check out my personal site: Sunset Over The Himalayas
Looking back toward Pokhara. If you'd like to read about Sarangkot, check out my personal site: Sunset Over The Himalayas
If you'd like to read about Sarangkot, check out my personal site: Sunset Over The Himalayas
If you'd like to read about Sarangkot, check out my personal site: Sunset Over The Himalayas
If you'd like to read about Sarangkot, check out my personal site: Sunset Over The Himalayas