{% extends "admin/base_site.html" %}
{% load i18n admin_urls admin_static %}
{# Admin styling code largely taken from http://www.dmertl.com/blog/?p=116 #}
{% block extrastyle %}
{{ block.super }}
{% endblock %}
{% block bodyclass %}{{ opts.app_label }}-{{ opts.object_name.lower }} change-form{% endblock %}
{% block breadcrumbs %}
{% endblock %}
{% block content_title %}{% endblock %}
{% block content %}
{% trans "Income for the month of" %} {{date|date:"F Y"}}
{% trans "Billed" %}
{% for gig in billed %}
{% if gig.pub_item %}{{gig.title}} {%else%}{{gig.title}}{%endif%} ${{gig.payment}} {{gig.publisher}} {{gig.invoice_date}}
Total Billed: ${{billed_total.total_payment}}
{% trans "Unbilled" %}
{% for gig in unbilled %}
{% if gig.pub_item %}{{gig.title}} {%else%}{{gig.title}}{%endif%} ${{gig.payment}} {{gig.publisher}} {{gig.invoice_date}}
Total Billed: ${{unbilled_total.total_payment}}
{% trans "Total Outstanding:" %} ${{total_outstanding.total_payment}}
Also have these stories pitched, but not accepted
{% for gig in pitched %}
{{gig.title}} ${{gig.payment}} {{gig.publisher}}
{% trans "" %} {% with total_outstanding.total_payment|add:"-2000" as underover %}{% if underover > 0 %}${{underover}} more that budget{%else%}Need to generate another ${{underover|cut:"-"}} to cover expenses{%endif%}{%endwith%}
{% trans "Income by Month" %}
{% endblock %}