{% extends 'base.html' %} {% load typogrify_tags %} {% block sitename %} Luxagraf: thoughts on ecology, culture, travel, photography, walking and other ephemera {%endblock%} {%block extrahead%} {%endblock%} {%block bodyid%}id="home" class="archive"{%endblock%} {% block primary %}

About Luxagraf

map of travels

We’re a family of five living full time in a vintage 1969 Dodge Travco motorhome. We’ve been at it for three years now. People always ask: What's it like for five people to live in a 26ft RV? Why do we live this way?

The short answer is simple: because we like it and we can. If you want more than a soundbite, read through the journal. If you like it, sign up for the email list, though I'm bad about using it. I'd subscribe to the RSS feed, but that's just me.

Browse the Archives
{% endblock %} {% block js %}{% comment %} {% endcomment%}{% endblock%}