{% extends 'base.html' %} {% load typogrify_tags %} {%block htmlclass%}class="black"{%endblock%} {% block sitename %} Luxagraf {%endblock%} {%block bodyid%}id="home" class="has-hero"{%endblock%} {% block primary %}

About Luxagraf

Luxagraf is my notebook. Something that, in an earlier age, I would have long ago lost in the backseat of a taxi.

Or something like that. It could just be a website. Except that I don’t do lists. And I’m not trying to make money of it.

Whatever it is, whatever brought you here, I hope enjoy it.

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{% for object in homepage.entry_list.all %} {% endfor %}

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{% for object in recent %} {% endfor %}
{% endblock %} {% block js %}{% comment %} {% endcomment%}{% endblock%}