Travco Trip Costs

We're extremely fortunate to be able to do this. We afford it because we saved for a long time and I continue to work on the road. At the same time, people are usually surprised at how little it costs to live this way. When we were planning this trip the people who posted their finances were invaluably helpful for calculating how much we needed to make this work so in the spirit of (hopefully, maybe) inspiring someone else to get out there, here is a rough breakdown of costs.

Upfront Costs

Initial Investments
Category Amount
1969 Dodge Travco Motorhome $7250.00
Travco restoration $3000.00*
New wheels and Tires $3041.00
DMV and insurance (taxes, title, plates -- $25 annual for tags) $125.00 (annual)
Total $13,291.00
*This is a rough estimate, I did not itemize everything, so this figure is give or take $300

Here's how much we've spent each month we've spent on the road since we left in April 2017.

Monthly Expenses

{% regroup object_list by date.month as expenses_by_month %}{% for expenses in expenses_by_month %} {% regroup expenses.list|dictsort:"category" by category as category_list %} {% for cat in categories %} {% endfor %}
{{|date:"F Y" }}
Category Amount
{{cat.1}} {% for clist in category_list %}{%if clist.grouper == cat.0%}${{clist.list|cat_total}} {%endif %}{%endfor%}
Total ${{category_list|expense_total}}
{% for clist in category_list %}{% for item in clist.list %}{% if item.notes %}*{{item.notes|safe}}{%endif %}{%endfor%}{%endfor%}
{% endfor %}