{% extends 'base.html' %} {% load typogrify_tags %} {% load get_image_by_size %} {% load number_to_word %} {% block pagetitle %}{{object.title}} - Luxagraf, Photos{% endblock %} {%block htmlclass%}class="black"{%endblock%} {% block metadescription %}{{object.description|truncatewords:30|smartypants|safe}}{% endblock %} {% block extrahead %} {% endblock %} {%block bodyid%}class="image_gallery"{%endblock%} {% block primary %}

Use left/right arrow keys to navigate through photos

Photos from {{object.title}}

{%for photo in object.images.all reversed %}


{% if object.is_public %}Map{%endif%} {%if photo.caption%}


{% if object.is_public %}

{% if photo.exif_make == 'Canon'%}{{photo.exif_model}}{%endif%}{% if photo.exif_model == 'DMC-LX2'%}{{photo.exif_make}} {{photo.exif_model}}{%endif%}{%if photo.exif_model == 'DMC-GF1' %}Panasonic GF1 with {%endif%} {%if photo.exif_lens == 'LUMIX G VARIO 14-45/F3.5-5.6' %}Lumix 14-45mm lens{%endif%}{%if photo.exif_lens == 'LUMIX G 20/F1.7' %}Lumix 20mm lens{%endif%}{%if photo.exif_lens == 'LUMIX G VARIO 45-200/F4.0-5.6' %}Lumix 45-200mm lens{%endif%}{%if photo.exif_lens == 'OLYMPUS M.9-18mm F4.0-5.6' %}Olympus 9-18mm lens{%endif%}{%if photo.exif_lens == None %}{%endif%}

{{photo.exif_exposure}} sec at f/{{photo.exif_aperture}}, ISO {{photo.exif_iso}}

{% endif %}
{% endfor %} {%endblock%} {% block js %} {% endblock%}