{% load get_image_by_size %} {% if caption or exif or image.photo_credit_source and cluster_class != "pic5" %}
{%endif%} {%if image.alt %}{{image.alt}}{%else%}{{image.title}}{%endif%} photographed by {% if image.photo_credit_source %}{{image.photo_credit_source}}{%else%}luxagraf{%endif%} {% if cluster_class != "pic5"%}{% if caption or exif or image.photo_credit_source %}
{% endif %}{% if caption %}{{image.caption|safe}}{% endif %}{% if exif %} | Camera: {{image.exif_make}} {{image.exif_model}} with {{image.exif_lens}}{% endif %}{% if image.photo_credit_source %}{%if caption or exif %} | {%endif%}image by {% if image.photo_credit_url %}{%endif%}{{image.photo_credit_source}}{% if image.photo_credit_url %}{%endif%}{%endif%}{% if caption or exif or image.photo_credit_source and cluster_class != "pic5" %}
{%endif%} {% endif %}