# coding: utf-8 # imports import os # django imports from django.conf import settings from django.utils.translation import ugettext_lazy as _ # settings for django-tinymce try: import tinymce.settings DEFAULT_URL_TINYMCE = tinymce.settings.JS_BASE_URL + '/' DEFAULT_PATH_TINYMCE = tinymce.settings.JS_ROOT + '/' except ImportError: DEFAULT_URL_TINYMCE = settings.ADMIN_MEDIA_PREFIX + "tinymce/jscripts/tiny_mce/" DEFAULT_PATH_TINYMCE = os.path.join(settings.MEDIA_ROOT, 'admin/tinymce/jscripts/tiny_mce/') # Set to True in order to see the FileObject when Browsing. DEBUG = getattr(settings, "FILEBROWSER_DEBUG", False) # Main Media Settings MEDIA_ROOT = getattr(settings, "FILEBROWSER_MEDIA_ROOT", settings.MEDIA_ROOT) MEDIA_URL = getattr(settings, "FILEBROWSER_MEDIA_URL", settings.MEDIA_URL) # Main FileBrowser Directory. This has to be a directory within MEDIA_ROOT. # Leave empty in order to browse all files under MEDIA_ROOT. # DO NOT USE A SLASH AT THE BEGINNING, DO NOT FORGET THE TRAILING SLASH AT THE END. DIRECTORY = getattr(settings, "FILEBROWSER_DIRECTORY", 'uploads/') # The URL/PATH to your filebrowser media-files. URL_FILEBROWSER_MEDIA = getattr(settings, "FILEBROWSER_URL_FILEBROWSER_MEDIA", "/media/filebrowser/") PATH_FILEBROWSER_MEDIA = getattr(settings, "FILEBROWSER_PATH_FILEBROWSER_MEDIA", os.path.join(settings.MEDIA_ROOT, 'filebrowser/')) # The URL/PATH to your TinyMCE Installation. URL_TINYMCE = getattr(settings, "FILEBROWSER_URL_TINYMCE", DEFAULT_URL_TINYMCE) PATH_TINYMCE = getattr(settings, "FILEBROWSER_PATH_TINYMCE", DEFAULT_PATH_TINYMCE) # Allowed Extensions for File Upload. Lower case is important. # Please be aware that there are Icons for the default extension settings. # Therefore, if you add a category (e.g. "Misc"), you won't get an icon. EXTENSIONS = getattr(settings, "FILEBROWSER_EXTENSIONS", { 'Folder': [''], 'Image': ['.jpg','.jpeg','.gif','.png','.tif','.tiff'], 'Video': ['.mov','.wmv','.mpeg','.mpg','.avi','.rm'], 'Document': ['.pdf','.doc','.rtf','.txt','.xls','.csv'], 'Audio': ['.mp3','.mp4','.wav','.aiff','.midi','.m4p'], 'Code': ['.html','.py','.js','.css'] }) # Define different formats for allowed selections. # This has to be a subset of EXTENSIONS. SELECT_FORMATS = getattr(settings, "FILEBROWSER_SELECT_FORMATS", { 'File': ['Folder','Document',], 'Image': ['Image'], 'Media': ['Video','Sound'], 'Document': ['Document'], # for TinyMCE we can also define lower-case items 'image': ['Image'], 'file': ['Folder','Image','Document',], 'media': ['Video','Sound'], }) # Directory to Save Image Versions (and Thumbnails). Relative to MEDIA_ROOT. # If no directory is given, versions are stored within the Image directory. # VERSION URL: VERSIONS_BASEDIR/original_path/originalfilename_versionsuffix.extension VERSIONS_BASEDIR = getattr(settings, 'FILEBROWSER_VERSIONS_BASEDIR', '') # Versions Format. Available Attributes: verbose_name, width, height, opts VERSIONS = getattr(settings, "FILEBROWSER_VERSIONS", { 'fb_thumb': {'verbose_name': 'Admin Thumbnail', 'width': 60, 'height': 60, 'opts': 'crop upscale'}, 'thumbnail': {'verbose_name': 'Thumbnail (140px)', 'width': 140, 'height': '', 'opts': ''}, 'small': {'verbose_name': 'Small (300px)', 'width': 300, 'height': '', 'opts': ''}, 'medium': {'verbose_name': 'Medium (460px)', 'width': 460, 'height': '', 'opts': ''}, 'big': {'verbose_name': 'Big (620px)', 'width': 620, 'height': '', 'opts': ''}, 'cropped': {'verbose_name': 'Cropped (60x60px)', 'width': 60, 'height': 60, 'opts': 'crop'}, 'croppedthumbnail': {'verbose_name': 'Cropped Thumbnail (140x140px)', 'width': 140, 'height': 140, 'opts': 'crop'}, }) # Quality of saved versions VERSION_QUALITY = getattr(settings, 'FILEBROWSER_VERSION_QUALITY', 90) # Versions available within the Admin-Interface. ADMIN_VERSIONS = getattr(settings, 'FILEBROWSER_ADMIN_VERSIONS', ['thumbnail','small', 'medium','big']) # Which Version should be used as Admin-thumbnail. ADMIN_THUMBNAIL = getattr(settings, 'FILEBROWSER_ADMIN_THUMBNAIL', 'fb_thumb') # Preview Version PREVIEW_VERSION = getattr(settings, 'FILEBROWSER_PREVIEW_VERSION', 'small') # EXTRA SETTINGS # True to save the URL including MEDIA_URL to your model fields # or False (default) to save path relative to MEDIA_URL. # Note: Full URL does not necessarily means absolute URL. SAVE_FULL_URL = getattr(settings, "FILEBROWSER_SAVE_FULL_URL", True) # If set to True, the FileBrowser will not try to import a mis-installed PIL. STRICT_PIL = getattr(settings, 'FILEBROWSER_STRICT_PIL', False) # PIL's Error "Suspension not allowed here" work around: # s. http://mail.python.org/pipermail/image-sig/1999-August/000816.html IMAGE_MAXBLOCK = getattr(settings, 'FILEBROWSER_IMAGE_MAXBLOCK', 1024*1024) # Exclude files matching any of the following regular expressions # Default is to exclude 'thumbnail' style naming of image-thumbnails. EXTENSION_LIST = [] for exts in EXTENSIONS.values(): EXTENSION_LIST += exts EXCLUDE = getattr(settings, 'FILEBROWSER_EXCLUDE', (r'_(%(exts)s)_.*_q\d{1,3}\.(%(exts)s)' % {'exts': ('|'.join(EXTENSION_LIST))},)) # Max. Upload Size in Bytes. MAX_UPLOAD_SIZE = getattr(settings, "FILEBROWSER_MAX_UPLOAD_SIZE", 10485760) # Convert Filename (replace spaces and convert to lowercase) CONVERT_FILENAME = getattr(settings, "FILEBROWSER_CONVERT_FILENAME", True) # Max. Entries per Page # Loading a Sever-Directory with lots of files might take a while # Use this setting to limit the items shown LIST_PER_PAGE = getattr(settings, "FILEBROWSER_LIST_PER_PAGE", 50) # Default Sorting # Options: date, filesize, filename_lower, filetype_checked DEFAULT_SORTING_BY = getattr(settings, "FILEBROWSER_DEFAULT_SORTING_BY", "date") # Sorting Order: asc, desc DEFAULT_SORTING_ORDER = getattr(settings, "FILEBROWSER_DEFAULT_SORTING_ORDER", "desc") # regex to clean dir names before creation FOLDER_REGEX = getattr(settings, "FILEBROWSER_FOLDER_REGEX", r'^[\w._/-]+$') # EXTRA TRANSLATION STRINGS # The following strings are not availabe within views or templates _('Folder') _('Image') _('Video') _('Document') _('Audio') _('Code')