{% extends 'base.html' %}
{% load typogrify %}
{% block pagetitle %}Luxagraf | {{object.title|title|smartypants|safe}}{% endblock %}
{% block metadescription %}Luxagraf: Photo, {{object.title}}, Photographer: Scott Gilbertson, Published: {{ object.pub_date|date:"N j, Y" }} {{ object.pub_date|date:"h:i a" }}Camera:{%if object.exif_make%}{%ifnotequal object.exif_make 'Canon'%}{{ object.exif_make }}{%endifnotequal%} {{ object.exif_model }}{% else %}Canon Powershot S45{%endif%}, Aperture: {%if object.exif_aperture%}{{ object.exif_aperture }}{%else%}Not Recorded{%endif%}, Shutter Speed: {%if object.exif_shutter%}{{ object.exif_shutter }} sec{%else%}Not Recorded{%endif%}, Film Speed: {%if object.exif_iso%}{{ object.exif_iso }} ISO{%else%}Not Recorded{%endif%}.{% endblock %}
{% block date %}{{object.pub_date|date:"F j, Y"}}
{% ifnotequal object.description 'None' %}
{{ object.description|smartypants|widont|safe }}
{%endifnotequal %}Other Sizes: Large and Original
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{% endblock %} {% block sidebar %} {% endblock %}