The Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram First perform the opening gesture. Then perform the Cabbalistic Cross Then start with your arms at your sides facing east again. Take a step to the east (or just raise your arm if there isn't space) raise your arm out in front of your face and trace a pentagram starting at the lower left corner, moving up to the top, then down the lower right corner, then up to the upper left, across to upper right and then back down to meet where you started in the lower left. Bring you finger to the center of the pentragram and vibrate the Name Y H V H (pronounced YAHD HEY VAU HEY). Imagine that your voice carries forward to the LIMITS of the UNIVERSE. Now trace a semicircle before you as you turn toward the SOUTH. Again trace the Pentagram, bring your finger to the center of it, and vibrate the Name ADNI, (pronounced AH-DOH-NEYE). Again, trace the semicircle with the dagger to the WEST, trace the Pentagram, bring your finger to the center, and vibrate the Name AHIH, (pronounced EH-YEH) Then, turn towards the NORTH, while tracing the circle, trace the Pentagram, bring your finger to the center and vibrate the Name AGLA, (pronounced AH-GAH-LAH) Return to the EAST, completing the circle of brilliant white Light, bringing your finger to the center of the EAST Pentagram. Extend your arms in the form of a cross, say: BEFORE ME (then vibrate) RAPHAEL (pronounced RAH-PHYE-EHL). Visualize a figure in front of you. The figure is dressed in yellow robes which have some purplish highlights...You should "feel" a breeze coming from behind the figure. Then, say: BEHIND ME (then vibrate) GABRIEL (pronounced GAH-BREE-EHL). Visualize a figure behind you, dressed in blue with some orange highlights...Try to feel the moisture in the air. Then say: AT MY RIGHT HAND Mee-chai-EL (the "CH" is a guttural sound as in the German "ach" or the Scottish "loch"). To your right visualize a figure dressed in scarlet with green highlights... You should feel heat coming from this direction. Then, say: AT MY LEFT HAND AURIEL (pronounced AWE-REE-EHL). To your left visualize a figure dressed in greens and browns on a fertile landscape...Say, And on my left hand Ohr-ree-EL. Now, say: ABOUT ME FLAME THE PENTAGRAMS, AND WITHIN ME SHINES THE SIX-RAYED STAR. Imagine the complete circle of brilliant white light at whose quadrants are the 4 Pentagrams. At the center is the Cabbalistic Cross of Light extended through one's body. Repeat the Cabbalistic cross. Perform the closing gesture.