It seems to me that what a lot of people these days are looking for is to return to what Lewis Mumford calls the eotechnic phase of culture. For Mumford that's the beginnings of technology, a time which was mainly powered by wind and water so you had windmills, and grist mill powered by water wheels, things like that. Now I don't think people are craving those technologies exactly, but when those are your dominant sources of power and technology, the culture that comes up but out of that necessarily has a strong dependence on the natural world -- you can't control wind, you can't control water. You are at the whims of weather, seasons, the natural world. There is a rhythm to life based around these things that is dictated by Gaia. you get this very seasonal energy source where you know you're going to have the river high at sometimes in others and so your productivity is going to be tied to that seasonal thing and you're going to be more directly connected to that nature and or to the world I guess and you know obviously for Mumford there's another technological face called paleo Technic that stands between the eotechnic and us in the neotechnic and I think that that's where a lot of that desire that connection is coming from which I find interesting from the perspective of you know sailing being this popular thing because that is a direct return to that eotechnic technology you can't go faster than the wind with a sale you are limited by which way the wind is blowing to control where you're going and and all this kind of stuff your back to that eotechnic face whereas the internal combustion engine without computers like the buses engine feels like a direct connection to the Paleo Technic face which is where I started I think I wanted to go back to the payload Technic face now I've reached a point where I think I want to go back to the neotechnic eotechnic face