Server based RSS Reader. Available via AUR. Config file at: /etc/miniflux.conf ''' DATABASE_URL=postgres://miniflux:tryptaminevfr$32@localhost/miniflux?sslmode=disable RUN_MIGRATIONS=1 HTTPS=1 BASE_URL= LISTEN_ADDR=/run/miniflux/miniflux.sock DISABLE_HSTS=1 ''' More at: Setup postgres user per: //# Switch to the postgres user $ su - postgres //# Create a database user for Miniflux $ createuser -P miniflux Enter password for new role: ****** Enter it again: ****** //# Create a database for miniflux that belongs to our user $ createdb -O miniflux miniflux //# Create the extension hstore as superuser $ psql miniflux -c 'create extension hstore' CREATE EXTENSION ALTER USER miniflux WITH SUPERUSER; -- Run the migrations (sudo miniflux -c /etc/miniflux.conf -migrate) ALTER USER miniflux WITH NOSUPERUSER; Set up Nginx: (use certbot) Then run miniflux via two service files, one a socket, the other a service, as detailed here: create an admin user: sudo miniflux -c /etc/miniflux.conf -create-admin login to the web interface at