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Hugh D. Riordan M.D. 

References: Riordan 


Dr. Hugh D. Riordan was the founder and longtime director of the Center for the Improvement of Human Functioning, in Wichita, Kansas (now known as the Riordan Clinic He was also Associate Editor of the Journal of Orthomolecular Medicine ( Dr. Riordan is world famous for his work using extremely high doses of vitamin C against cancer. This is a complete list of his scientific publications and books. Additions and corrections are welcome.


  1. Riordan HD. Medical Mavericks, Vol. I, Bio-Communications Press, Wichita, KS, 1988.
  2. Riordan HD. Medical Mavericks, Vol. II, Bio-Communications Press, Wichita, KS, 1989.
  3. Riordan HD. Desafiando a Medicina, Os Desbravadores que Derrubaram os Dogmas da Saude, Gaia, Brazil, 1992.
  4. Riordan HD. Medical Mavericks, Vol. III, in press and posted at .

 Scientific Papers

  1. Riordan HD. One Physician Shares . . . A Humanistic Approach To Medical Practice, Dialogue. A Kansas Journal of Health and Concerns. December 1976, 3:4.
  2. Dirks M, Riordan HD, Canfield M. Blood Histamine Level as a Factor in Skin Conductance and Response. Biofeedback and Self-Regulation. June 1978, 3:2.
  3. Riordan HD et al. Deficiencies Among Depressed Inpatients; Incidence of Serotonin and Norepinephrine Precursor and Cofactor Deficiencies Among Depressed Inpatients. Proceedings of The Biomedical Synergistics Institute, 1980.
  4. Riordan HD. Personal Health Control: An Exportable Systems Approach To Wellness. Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Human Functioning. Biomedical Synergistics Institute, 1980.
  5. Riordan HD et al. Perceived Fatigue as a Function of Vitamin C Levels in Plasma and Urine - A Double Blind Crossover Study. Proceedings of the Biomedical Synergistics Institute. October 1981.
  6. Riordan HD. Curriculum, Physiology and Psychology of Personal Health Control. Friends University, Wichita, 1982.
  7. Riordan HD. Curriculum, Physiology and Psychology of Fatigue. Friends University, Wichita, 1983.
  8. Buhr, B.R., Dirks, M., Riordan HD, Wiens AW. Spectral Characteristics of Light Modify Reproductive Output in Drosophila Melanogaster. New Mexico J. of Science. V. 24, 1984.
  9. Riordan HD, et al. Clinical Correlations Between Serum Glucose Variance and Reported Symptoms in Human Subjects. Medical Hypotheses. 1984 (15).
  10. Cheraskin E, Carpenter JH, Riordan H. Differences in Human Serum Copper and Zinc Levels in Healthy and Patient Populations. Medical Hypotheses. 1986 (20).
  11. Buhr B, Dirks M, Riordan HD, Wiens AW. Modulation of Reproductive Output in Drosophila by Spectral Properties of Ambient Light. Canadian J Zoology, 1986 (64).
  12. Riordan HD, et al. Another Look At Renal Function and the EDTA Treatment Process. J. Orthomolecular Med, 1987, 2:3.
  13. Riordan HD, et al. The Effects of Intravenous EDTA Infusion on the Multichemical Profile. American Clinical Laboratory, October, 1988, 7:7.
  14. Riordan HD, et al. Electrocardiographic Changes Associated with EDTA Chelation Therapy, J Advancement Med, Winter 1988, 1:4.
  15. Jackson JA, Riordan HD, Poling, C.M.: Aluminum Coffee Pot Content. The Lancet, April 8, 1989.
  16. Riordan HD, Cheraskin, E., Dirks, M., et al. EDTA Chelation/ Hypertension Study: Clinical Patterns as Judged by The Cornell Medical Index Questionnaire. J Orthomolecular Med, 1989, 4:2.
  17. Riordan HD, Jackson JA, Schultz, M.: Case Study: High-Dose Intravenous Vitamin C in the Treatment of a Patient With Adenocarcinoma of the Kidney. J. Orthomolecular Med, 1990, 5:1.
  18. Jackson JA, Riordan HD, Neathery, S.: Vitamin, Blood Lead and Urine Pyrrole Levels in Down Syndrome. American Clinical Laboratory, Jan - Feb, 1990.
  19. Riordan HD, Cheraskin, E., Dirks, M.: Mineral Excretion Associated With EDTA Chelation Therapy, J. of Advancement in Medicine. Summer 1990, 3:2.
  20. Riordan HD, et al. Intravenous EDTA Infusion and the Hemogram. J. of Advancement in Medicine. Fall 1990, 3:3.
  21. Jackson JA, Riordan HD, Neathery, S.: Comparison of Two Cytotoxic Food Sensitivity Tests. American Clinical Laboratory, March 1991.
  22. Riordan HD. Some Puzzlements in Life Science Research Methodology. American Clinical Laboratory, September 1991.
  23. Riordan HD, Jackson JA: Topical Ascorbate Stops Prolonged Bleeding From Tooth Extraction. J. Orthomolecular Med, 1991, 6(3-4).
  24. Riordan HD, Dirks, M., Davis, D.R.: Mercury Excretion in Human Urine and Feces: A Search For Dietary Influences. Wallace Genetic Research Foundation, April 1992.
  25. Jackson JA, Riordan HD. Improvement of Essential Hypertension After EDTA Intravenous Infusion Treatment. J. Orthomolecular Med, 1992, 7:1.
  26. Riordan HD, Jackson JA: Chronic Fatigue and Depression. J. Orthomolecular Med, 1992, 7:2.
  27. Jackson JA, Riordan HD, Hunninghake, R.E.: Migraine Headaches and Food Sensitivities in a Child. J. Orthomolecular Med, 1992, 7:3.
  28. Tinterow, M., Riordan HD.: Correlations Between Chronological and Biological Age Levels of Blood Lipids. Townsend Letter, February - March 1993.
  29. Jackson JA, Hunninghake, R.E., Riordan HD. Ankylosing Spondylitis. J. Orthomolecular Med, 1993, 8:1.
  30. Jackson JA, Hunninghake, R.E., Riordan HD. Chronic Abdominal Pain. J. Orthomolecular Med, 1993, 8:2.
  31. Jackson JA, Hunninghake, R.E., Riordan HD. Sarcoidosis. J. Orthomolecular Med, 1993, 8:3.
  32. Riordan HD, Riordan NH, et al. Improved Microplate Fluorometer Counting of Viable Tumor and Normal Cells. Anticancer Research, 1994 (14).
  33. Li, Y., Jackson JA, Riordan HD, Riordan N.D.: An Unusual Intestinal Parasitic Infection. J. Orthomolecular Med, 1994, 9:1.
  34. Jackson JA, Riordan HD, Hunninghake, R.E.: A Clinical Research Program: Beat The Odds. J. Orthomolecular Med, 1994.
  35. Riordan HD, Jackson JA, Hunninghake, R.E.: Rheumatoid Arthritis in a Young Male. J. Orthomolecular Med, 1994, 9:2.
  36. Jackson JA, McCray, M., Riordan HD. Auricular Therapy: Diagnosis and Treatment. J. Orthomolecular Med, 1994, 9:3.
  37. Jackson JA, Riordan HD, Doran, L., Riordan NH: Hyperbaric Oxygen Treatment. J. Orthomolecular Med, 1994, 9:4.
  38. Jackson JA, Riordan HD, Neathery, S., Guinn, C.: The Cytotoxic Food Sensitivity Test: An Important Diagnostic Tool. J. Orthomolecular Medicine, 1995, 10:1.
  39. Jackson JA, Riordan HD, Hunninghake, R.E., Riordan NH: High Dose Intravenous Vitamin C and Long Term Survival of a Patient with Cancer of Head of the Pancreas. J. Orthomolecular Medicine, 1995; 10(2).
  40. Riordan NH, Riordan HD, Meng, X., Li, Y., Jackson JA: Intravenous Ascorbate as a Tumor Cytotoxic Chemotherapeutic Agent. Medical Hypotheses, 1995 (44).
  41. Riordan HD, et al. Coronary Artery Occlusion, Chelation and Cholesterol in a 49 Year-Old Pilot. J. Orthomolecular Med, 1996, 11:1.
  42. Riordan NH, Jackson JA, Riordan HD. Intravenous Vitamin C in a Terminal Cancer Patient. J. Orthomolecular Med, 1996, 11:2.
  43. Jackson JA, Riordan HD, et al. Trials and Tribulations of a Three-Year Old. J. Orthomolecular Med, 1996, 11:3.
  44. Jackson JA, Riordan HD, et al. Epstein-Barr Virus Infections in Patients. J. Orthomolecular Med, 1996, 11:4.
  45. Jackson JA, Riordan HD, et al. Red Blood Cell Membrane Fatty Acids as a Diagnostic Test. J. Orthomolecular Med, 1997, 12:1.
  46. Jackson JA, Riordan HD, et al. Urinary Pyrrole in Health and Disease. J. Orthomolecular Med, 1997, 12:2.
  47. Jackson JA, Riordan HD, Neathery, S., Revard, C.: Ascorbic Acid Effects on Plasma Amino Acids. J. Orthomolecular Med, 1997, 12:3.
  48. Jackson JA, Riordan HD, Hunninghake, R.E.: The Patient with a Harmful Hobby and the Depressed Teen-Age Patient. J. Orthomolecular Med, 1997, 12:4.
  49. Jackson JA, Riordan HD, Fougeron, K., Hunninghake, R.E.: The Nutrition Evaluation Questionnaire as a Diagnostic Aid. J. Orthomolecular Med, 1998, 13:1.
  50. Riordan HD, et al. High-Dose Intravenous Vitamin C in the Treatment of a Patient with Renal Cell Carcinoma of the Kidney. J. Orthomolecular Med, 1998, 13:2.
  51. Gonzalez MJ, Mora, E., Riordan NH, Riordan HD, Mojica, P.: Rethinking Vitamin C and Cancer: An Update on Nutritional Oncology. Cancer Prevention International, 1998, Vol. 3, 215-224.
  52. Riordan HD, Jackson JA, Riordan NH, Schultz, M.:Ê Case From The Center: Joint and Muscle Pain, Various Arthritic Conditions and Food Sensitivities. J. Orthomolecular Med, 1998, 13:3.
  53. Rirodan, HD, Jackson JA, Neathery, S., Revard, C.: Case From The Center: Histamine Levels in Health and Disease. J. Orthomolecular Med, 1998, 13:4.
  54. Gonzalez MJ, Riordan NH, Riordan HD. Antioxidants as Chemopreventive Agents for Breast Cancer. BioMedicina, April 1998, 1:4.
  55. Jackson JA, Riordan HD, Schultz, M., Lewis, R.: Case From The Center: Intravenous EDTA Chelation Treatment of a Patient with Atherosclerosis. J. Orthomolecular Med, 1999, 14:2.
  56. Jackson JA, Riordan HD, Hunninghake, R.E., Mayer, K.: Case From The Center: Headache: A Common Complaint with Complicated Causes. J. Orthomolecular Med, 1999, 14:3.
  57. Jackson JA, Riordan HD, Hunninghake, R.E., Revard, C.: Case From The Center: Candida Albicans: The Hidden Infection, J. Orthomolecular Medicine, 1999, 14:4.
  58. Jackson JA, Riordan HD, Neathery, S.S.: Case From The Center: Urine Indican as an Indicator of Disease. J. Orthomolecular Med, 2000, 15:1.
  59. Jackson JA, Riordan HD, Revard, C., Tiemeyer, J.: Case From The Center: Lycopene: Its Role in Health and Disease. J. Orthomolecular Med, 2000, 15:2.
  60. Jackson JA, Riordan HD, Neathery, S.S., Tiemeyer, J.: Case From The Center: Comparison of Hair Copper, Zinc, Aluminum and Lead in Patients with Elevated and Normal Urine Pyrrole Levels. J. Orthomolecular Med, 2000, 15:3.
  61. Riordan NH, Riordan HD, Casciari, J.J.: Case From The Center: Clinical and Experimental Experiences with Intravenous Vitamin C. J. Orthomolecular Med, 2000, 15:4.
  62. Gonzalez MJ, Miranda-Massari, J.R., Riordan HD, et al. Integrative Medicine: A Paradigm Shift in Medical Education and Practice. Puerto Rico Health Sciences J, December 2000, 19:4.
  63. Jackson JA, Riordan HD, Neathery, S.S., Mayer, K.: Case From The Center: Urine Pyrrolles Revisited. J. Orthomolecular Med, 2001, 16:1.
  64. Mikirova, N., Jackson JA, Casciari, J.J., Riordan HD. Case From The Center: The Effect of Alternating Magnetic Field Exposure and Vitamin C on Cancer Cells. J. Orthomolecular Med, 2001, 16:3.
  65. Jackson JA, Riordan HD, Hunninghake, R.E., Lewis, R.E.: Case From The Center: Three Patients, Three Medical Conditions, Three Successful Outcomes. J. Orthomolecular Med, 2001, 16:4.
  66. Casciari, J.J., Riordan NH, Schmidt, T.L., Meng, X.L., Jackson JA, Riordan HD. Cytotoxicity of ascorbate, lipoic acid, and other antioxidants in hollow fibre in vitro tumours. British J Cancer. 2001, 84(11), 1544-1550.
  67. Gonzalez MJ, Mora, E.M., Miranda-Massari, J.R., Matta, J., Riordan HD, Riordan NH: Inhibition of Human Breast Carcinoma Cell Proliferation by Ascorbate and Copper. Puerto Rico Health Sciences J, March 2002, 21:1.
  68. Gonzalez MJ, Miranda-Massari, J.R., Mora, E.M., Jimenez, I.Z., Matos, M.I., Riordan HD, Casciari, J.J., Riordan NH, Rodriguez, M., Guzman, A.: Orthomolecular Oncology: a Mechanistic View of Intravenous Ascorbate's Chemotherapeutic Activity. Puerto Rico Health Sciences J, March, 2002, 21:1.
  69. Jackson JA, Riordan HD, Tiemeyer, J., Revard, C.: Case From The Center: Preventive Health Screening Program in an Industrial Setting: Identifying Health Risks and Nutritional Deficiencies. J. Orthomolecular Med, 2002, 17:1.
  70. Meng, X.L., Riordan NH, Casciari, J.J., Zhu, Y., Zhong, J., Gonzalez MJ, Miranda-Massari, J.R., Riordan HD. Effects of a High Molecular Mass 'Convolvulus arvensis' Extract on Tumor Growth and Angiogenesis. Puerto Rico Health Sciences J, December, 2002, 21:4.
  71. Riordan HD. The Use of Vitamin C Infusions in Cancer (1975-2002). Vitamin C and Cancer, November, 2002.
  72. Riordan HD, Hunninghake, R.E., Riordan NH, Jackson, J.J., Meng, X.L., Taylor, P., Casciari, J.J., Gonzalez MJ, Miranda-Massari, J.R., Mora, E.M., Norberto, R, Rivera, A. Intravenous Ascorbic Acid: Protocol for its Application and Use. Puerto Rico Health Sciences Journal, September 2003, 22:3.
  73. Padayatty, S.J., Sun, H., Wang, Y., Riordan HD, Hewitt, S.M., Katz, A., Wesley, R.A., Levine, M. Vitamin C Pharmacokinetics: Implications for Oral and Intravenous Use. Annals of Internal Medicine, April 6, 2004, 140(7): 533-537.
  74. Meng, X., Riordan NH, Riordan HD, Mikirova, N., Jackson, J., Gonzalez MJ, Miranda-Massari, J.R., Mora, E., Castillo, W.T. Cell Membrane Fatty Acid Composition Differs Between Normal and Malignant Cell Lines. Puerto Rico Health Sciences J. June, 2004, 23(2): 103-106.
  75. Mikirova, N., Riordan HD, Jackson JA, Wong, K., Miranda-Massari, J.R., Gonzalez MJ Erythrocyte Membrane Fatty Acid Composition in Cancer Patients, Puerto Rico Health Sciences J, June 2004, 23(2): 107-113.
  76. Riordan HD, Riordan NH, Jackson JA, Casciari, J.J., Hunninghake, R, Gonzalez MJ, Mora, E.M., Miranda-Massari, J.R., Rosario, N., Rivera, A.: Intravenous Vitamin C as a Chemotherapy Agent: a Report on Clinical Cases. Puerto Rico Health Sciences J, June 2004, 23(2): 115-118.
  77. Kumar, S., Miranda-Massari, J.R., Gonzalez MJ, Riordan HD. Intravenous Ascorbic Acid as a treatment for Severe Jellyfish Stings. Puerto Rico Health Sciences Journal, June 2004, 23(4): 125-126.

Andrew Saul, PhD


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