Cancer: Max Gerson, M.D. and Edward Bach, M.D. |
Cancer, Bach, Gerson |
is important is the weight of evidence that impelled me to take the steps I
did. Max Gerson, MD, started his professional life as a
regular physician and ended it a heretic. So did Edward Bach, MD. The first gave coffee enemas to
cancer patients and the latter healed all manner of diseases with
flowers. Both were fully trained scientists who turned their back on
conventional medicine and never recanted.
So how did that
happen? The renegade doctor
does not fit the public perception of quack very well. We want our quacks
flaming, as Homer Simpson wanted all his gay acquaintances to be. Only a
real nut of a quack, an utterly uneducated, criminally flamboyant fraud, is
repellent enough to cement patients to the religion of the drug doctors. Dr. Max Gerson is
therefore a problem from the start, best left ignored. You will look
long and hard for any reference to him in any medical history or
textbook. And yet, this man developed the single most successful
treatment for cancer in existence over 60 years ago. Gerson was a
surgeon in the German army during the first world war. He and other doctors
worked MASH-like 20 hour days operating on what was left of their countrymen
evacuated from the front lines. The British naval blockade of This is the first
straightforward reason why Dr. Gerson gave coffee enemas to cancer patients:
pain relief. He later claimed another: rectally administered
caffeinated coffee seemed to stimulate the liver to flush waste from the
system. He would be neither the first nor the last to believe that
"accumulated toxins" were a cause of cancer. It is a
persistent and recurrent quacky notion... which is
also probably quite accurate. The
cancer-preventive aspects of high fiber diets support this. A study
showed that Hispanic women have far lower rates of breast cancer than black
or white women. When all factors were considered, only one difference
could be found: Hispanic women eat considerably more beans than black or
white women do. The fiber is almost certainly the secret. Other
research has pointed to the flip-side conclusion: low-fiber diets are
carcinogenic. In a low fiber diet, any consumed carcinogens have a
longer transit time through the body's digestive tract. More time in
contact with the lining of the GI tract means more opportunity for
carcinogenesis. Lots of fiber may
also help the body excrete excess endogenous chemicals, such as estrogen,
thereby lowering the rate of hormone-dependent cancers. Additionally,
soluble fiber removes excess bile acids (by-products of fat digestion) that
are also linked with cancer. David Reuben's Save Your Life Diet
(yes, he too was an M.D.) discusses fiber's anti-cancer roles in
detail. That book came out in the 1970's; this is not new
information. Aside from Metamucil, fiber is too cheap and cannot be
patented. What pharmaceutical company can make the big bucks off beans?
There is more money in chemo than Beano.
So Gerson the quack
is trying to "detoxify" the body, focusing on the liver. Is
this a reasonable focus? Well, weighing in at about four pounds, the
liver is the largest gland in the body. It is well and clearly
identified as the body's site of detoxification of alcohol and other
drugs. It could very well detoxify a cancer patient, and Gerson was
aware of supporting research. So, yes, the liver is at least as much a
key as any other organ, and arguably much more so. To build up the
body's ability to fight cancer, Dr. Gerson then employed the most damned
therapy in the twentieth century: vitamins. On top of that, he was among
the pioneers recommending extensive vegetable juicing. There you go:
this all would be right at home on a shopping channel at 2 am. That, or
on Jerry Springer or Oddly enough, it
was because he had chronic, severe migraines that Max Gerson got into
vitamins and juicing He found no help in the drugs of the
day. Remember, he was a doctor, and he well knew what was
available. Plus, he had colleagues to help with the search. Nothing
worked. So Gerson tried the logic of that great non-person, Sherlock
Holmes: if all reasonable explanations fail, the answer must be some
unreasonable one. Immersed in the unreason that only pain can generate,
Gerson tried different foods, doing an early version of what was probably
much like allergy testing. He found that juiced vegetables, not
medicines, were the cure for his headaches. He was a surprised as you
would be, perhaps even more so because he was a drug doctor who had been
taught nothing of natural healing, except perhaps contempt for it. Nothing succeeds
like success. Word got around and people started to seek out this doctor
who cured migraines when the other doctors failed to. Gerson began to
note that many of his migraine patients were also getting cures of assorted
conditions that they hadn't even initially told him about. He reasoned
that juicing was a "metabolic therapy," non-specific and broad
spectrum in nature. If that concept annoys you, think of the diverse
sicknesses that are expected to respond to a given antibiotic. Adding vitamin
supplements to the regimen, he now had a therapy so effective that he was
experiencing success on a large scale. One of his patients was the
great missionary physician Albert Schweitzer, M.D.. Schweitzer
himself said, of Gerson, that "he was a medical genius who walked among
us." High praise indeed from a Nobel prize winner. Was Dr. Schweitzer
simply duped, and taken in by master fraud Gerson? Up until now,
Gerson was not even thinking of treating cancer. When ultimately asked
to try to, he refused, indicating that he had no intention of becoming known as another cancer quack. Pressure
from suffering patients eventually changed his mind. He hesitatingly
began using the metabolic therapy, cleansing and restoring the cancer
patient's body, and was delivering a cure rate of over 50% of terminal cancer
patients. This extraordinary success rate was in part the basis for a
1946 Congressional hearing on cancer therapies. Gerson had relocated to
the Well, what do you
expect? His mistake, and it was a big mistake, was to recommend coffee
enemas for cancer patients. The fact that dying patients were recovering
was secondary. It all sounded too quacky. The
juices and the vitamins just added insult to injury. In the greatest
traditions of the US Congress, they got it wrong and threw the baby out with
the bathwater. Gerson was out in the cold, and would remain a quack for
the rest of his life. The war on cancer would be fought with one hand
tied behind its back. Dr. Gerson's case
histories and therapy are fully documented in his book, A Cancer Therapy:
Results of 50 Cases. It is an extraordinary, detailed, practical
work. Any good bookstore can order one for you. If you are
interested in quackery, you can start here. And then there is
Edward Bach, M.D., who by comparison makes Gerson look like the president of
the AMA. Dr. Bach was a vaccinologist with a
practice on The eccentric Dr.
Bach believed that disease was, at its root, a matter of diseased
temperament. He researched a dozen common flowers known as The Twelve
Healers (also the title of his first book). Over two dozen more were to
follow, bringing the total to 38. Impatiens seemed to cure impatience,
Mustard ended black depression "like a dark cloud has overshadowed life,
blotting out all enjoyment." A combination of remedies, known as
Rescue Remedy, was a first aid preparation for shock and trauma to the
mind. Clematis relieved suicidal tendencies and Holly dissipated
hatred. Honeysuckle dissipated excess nostalgia, and there were several
remedies for fear, classified as to whether fear was from known or unknown
causes, worldly or unfounded, or otherwise. Dr. Bach is
especially easy to dismiss. First, he was British, so to Americans he
was not a real scientist, like, say, Charles Darwin, Issac
Newton or Allen Turing. (Whoops: they were all British as well, but no
matter.) Secondly, flowers, especially common blossoms like impatiens
and holly that served as their very names would suggest, offer no
satisfaction to the scientific-spectacle-seeking patient. Thirdly, the idea
that dilution increases potency is a homeopathic one, utterly in opposition
to orthodox medical thought. The works of historian Harris Coulter,
especially the three volume masterwork Divided Legacy, will provide
readers with very ample, very rational support for homeopathy and there is no
need to try to justify it here. Homeopathy, itself regarded as quackery
by many, is practiced by a large minority of licensed medical doctors
worldwide. It is at least close enough to reason that over-the-counter
homeopathic remedies are sold in Wal-Marts and the
federal government both codifies and approves the manufacture of such
remedies in the Homeopathic Pharmacopoeia of the United States.
Double-blind, tightly controlled studies of homeopathic remedies have indeed
verified their statistical significance to a very high degree, and their
record of safety is unassailable even by the Food and Drug Administration. Back to Bach: his
flower remedies seemed to work. Medical doctors would follow him,
leaving a broad trail of case notes, published articles, and textbooks in
their wake. It is a bold move to dismiss all these physicians as quacks
without at least trying the remedies first. I have seen first hand how
they help the people who come to see me. Placebo effect? You think?
How about injections of sterile water? They have a high cure rate. What
of placebo surgery, where you have the scar, but nothing was changed
internally, and the patient doesn't know it? Again, they are among the
most successful of all operations. In a back issue of the Consultant
(a physician's journal), I happened to read an article called "Placebo
Revisited: A Most Useful Therapy." Placebos work the best, said
the author (an MD), on the most educated people. Figure
that one out. OK, let's. The vast majority of medical procedures
have never been adequately placebo tested. Here's a blatant example:
radiation therapy for cancer. Picture this: a sick, scared patient is
told with confidence that, of course, radiation treatments are the way to go
to kill a tumor or stop it from spreading. The patient is subjected to
long waits in waiting rooms with other believers; high bills for the
procedure; awesomely large equipment with dials, lights, technicians and
mysteries; and finally being placed basically naked under or into this
machine. Now let's be
scientific. I want another room, just as white and just as bright; with
a fake machine that is just as impressive; with confederates disguised as
fellow cancer sufferers chatting about the wonders of the impending treatment
with the patient; lots of lights and dials that make the bridge of the
starship Enterprise look like a rusty waterheater;
and lots of dignified technicians, tech-speaking doctors, and sky-high bills
to match. All identical to the radiation room, and all completely
fake. Now that is a placebo. So what do you
think will be the success rate of the bogus "treatments" as opposed
to scads of rads? How much is radiation and how
much is expectation? I think the results will be so similar that this
control will never be done. So who are the
quacks? Copyright C 2004, 2003
and prior years Andrew W. Saul. Andrew Saul is the author
of the books FIRE YOUR DOCTOR! How to be
Independently Healthy (reader reviews at http://www.doctoryourself.com/review.html
) and DOCTOR YOURSELF: Natural Healing that Works. (reviewed at http://www.doctoryourself.com/saulbooks.html
) For ordering information, Click Here .
AN IMPORTANT NOTE: This page is not in any way offered as prescription, diagnosis nor treatment for any disease, illness, infirmity or physical condition. Any form of self-treatment or alternative health program necessarily must involve an individual's acceptance of some risk, and no one should assume otherwise. Persons needing medical care should obtain it from a physician. Consult your doctor before making any health decision. Neither the author nor the webmaster has authorized the use of their names or the use of any material contained within in connection with the sale, promotion or advertising of any product or apparatus. Single-copy reproduction for individual, non-commercial use is permitted providing no alterations of content are made, and credit is given. |
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