Comfrey: Wound Healer and Cancer Fighter |
Cancer and Comfrey |
CANCER, WOUNDS AND COMFREY In an old issue of Let's
Live (Oct.-Dec., 1958), H. E. Kirschner, M.D.,
wrote an almost unbelievable article about several important clinical uses of
the comfrey plant (Symphytum officinale). Just in terms of quality
of life, the degree of healing that did occur under the comfrey poultice
treatment is of tremendous significance. Here is a "folk" remedy
undeniably providing, at the very least, significant palliative relief, and
to a remarkable extent reversing a cancerous growth. We can ill afford to
overlook the full potential of external comfrey leaf poultices to heal sores
and wounds of all types, including burns and gangrene, as well as “tumors
both benign and malignant,” says Dr. Kirschner.
Taken internally as
decoction (boiled root tea), comfrey is described as effective against
tuberculosis, internal tumors and ulcers, and promotes the healing of bone
fractures. If it is hard to understand how one simple, easy to grow and easy
to apply plant can be so widely useful in healing, remember that penicillin’s
supporters have made some pretty broad claims for the mold on oranges.
Dr. Kirschner
describes in his article how to prepare comfrey leaves and roots for home
use. The leaves are for external use, and the root for internal use. Anyone
can grow comfrey in their garden for use when needed. In fact, just try to
stop it: it takes no work whatsoever to grow this virtually indestructible perennial.
As a young man, I decided to plant a lot of comfrey all over my yard. That
took about 15 minutes. It grew so vibrantly that I eventually decided to
eradicate comfrey from lawn and garden. It took twenty years to root it all
out. Well, most of it. There is still that patch over there on the side.
. .
I got my “starter”
comfrey from a friend, and now I know why he was smiling so
broadly as he handed the huge sack of roots over to me.
No, neither he nor I
supply comfrey by mail-order. Ask around and see who’s got some to
share. Or, try a garden supplier, nursery, herb store or Internet
search. How to plant comfrey: stick the root under ground and come back in a
month or two. To grow: Refer to the previous step.
To use the leaves, one
simply picks them, crushes them into a nice emerald green paste, and applies
topically. Although comfrey leaf tea or dried leaves are often to be
inexpensively purchased at herb and health food stores, there is a need to
mention Dr. Kirschner's constant reference to using
fresh cut leaves only, right from one's garden.
Roots can be prepared as
described in Poffer's Cyclopedia of Botanical
Drugs (Fifth Edition) "by boiling one-half to one ounce of crushed
root in one quart water. Dose, a wineglassful." Boiling the root results
in a decoction. This is different, and much more effective, than simply
steeping in hot water. Fresh root is almost certainly best, but I expect that
dried root retains some therapeutic value.
I thoroughly brush and
wash the root under tap water before slicing it up. Then I place the chunks
in two or three cups of water in a glass or stainless steel pan. Bring it to
a boil, continue boiling for a few minutes, and let sit until it is cool
enough to drink.
Caution: There are potentially harmful side-effects if comfrey leaves are eaten in appreciable quantity. This, to me, also means that comfrey leaf tea is contraindicated. Herbs may be the most natural of medicines, but they are still medicines. To be comfy with comfrey, consult your doctor, and a reliable herbal textbook (such as John B. Lust’s The Herb Book, NY: Bantam, 1974), and do an internet search before employing this, or any herbal remedy. Having done so, it is important to meet potential physician objections with a clear, shared understanding of the “comfrey rule”: fresh leaves externally; boiled root decoction internally. My checking many years worth of comprehensive annual reports of the American Association of Poison Control Centers, a nation-wide database, fails to find a single death from comfrey. In my opinion, proper, temporary use of herbals is not nearly as dangerous as the drugs doctors employ in their place. I invite you to make up your own mind, and urge you to work with your doctor. Allantoin, a key
ingredient found in abundance in comfrey, may be among the reasons comfrey
works. Allantoin helps cells to grow and grow together. Since this is
precisely what is needed for ulcers, tumors, burns, broken skin, broken bones
and perhaps even malignancy, it is little wonder that comfrey has a respect
in folk lore and medical practice throughout the world, spanning the
centuries. For a definitive explanation of how, why and what comfrey heals,
with detailed information on the chemical constitution of allantoin, one
should read a long-forgotten 60-page work entitled Narrative of an
Investigation Concerning an Ancient Medicinal Remedy and its Modern Utilities
by Charles J. MacAlister, M.D. and A.W. Titherley, D.Sc. It is full of case histories, research
and historical information. Clinical observations, notes on malignancy and
how to prepare the remedy are included. This 1936 book is even more rare than Dr. Kirchner’s article that I cited
above. Reprints of either may still be available on microfilm. It is a good
idea to ask your public library's interlibrary loan person to help you obtain
The complete reference
is: Copyright C 2005 and
prior years Andrew W. Saul.
Andrew Saul is the author
of the books FIRE YOUR DOCTOR! How to be
Independently Healthy (reader reviews at http://www.doctoryourself.com/review.html
) and DOCTOR YOURSELF: Natural Healing that Works. (reviewed at http://www.doctoryourself.com/saulbooks.html
For ordering information, Click Here .
AN IMPORTANT NOTE: This page is not in any way offered as prescription, diagnosis nor treatment for any disease, illness, infirmity or physical condition. Any form of self-treatment or alternative health program necessarily must involve an individual's acceptance of some risk, and no one should assume otherwise. Persons needing medical care should obtain it from a physician. Consult your doctor before making any health decision. Neither the author nor the webmaster has authorized the use of their names or the use of any material contained within in connection with the sale, promotion or advertising of any product or apparatus. Single-copy reproduction for individual, non-commercial use is permitted providing no alterations of content are made, and credit is given. | |
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