Vitamins Against
Disease: Not A New Idea |
Vitamins vs
Disease |
VITAMINS AGAINST DISEASE In this article we will review
some long-overlooked research papers supporting vitamin therapies for curing
disease. There is nothing new about vitamin
treatments, as I wish to demonstrate by including these decades-old studies.
Still, this information may be news to you, and almost certainly will be news
to most physicians. Let's begin at the end, so to speak, and consider a
paper that was published in the Journal of the American College of
Proctology before the second world war entitled "Vitamins and Their
Relationship to Deficiency Diseases of the Alimentary Tract." The
author of this undated article, Edward A. Johnston, M.D., says that vitamin deficiencies are usually multiple
deficiencies, which show up over a long period of time. "These deficiencies occur despite a
balanced diet," says Dr. Johnston, "the balance of which is
usually determined by older knowledge of nutrition, and influenced by
conditions in commercial preparation and preservation." This is
what “health nuts” have been saying for years: we eat a lopsided
diet of way too many processed, cooked, devitalized foods and we are not
going to get our vitamins from any balanced collection of such imbalanced
foods. What does
deficiency of this or that vitamin result in? Dr. Johnston says that
"Vitamin A deficiency, by its action of increasing epithelial
irritability and infectibility, can be an important
factor in the cause of ulcers" and that "other instances of vitamin
A deficiency, are often found in conjunction with infections of the
intestinal tract, are infections of the eyes, tonsils, sinuses, lungs, buccal and lingual mucosa, and the skin." The
eye, ear, nose and throat specialist, or the allergist, may be a professional
whose job can be eliminated. Do your part to put them out of work by
being sure you get plentiful vitamin A. Fruits, salads, vegetables, and
multiple vitamin preparations will contain "A." As to the
B-vitamins, the paper states: "Vitamin B deficiency can be considered an
important factor in the cause of hemorrhoids... The enlarged flabby colon and
esophagus are due to deficiency of B by its resulting loss of muscle
tonicity, partial failure of elimination, with obstipation
as the end result." Loss of bowel action and the resulting constipation
caused by B-vitamin deficiency was also discussed by Dr. Louis Gross in 1924
in the Journal of Pathology and Bacteriology in his paper, "The
Effects of Vitamin Deficient Diets on Rats, With Special Reference to the
Motor Functions of the Intestinal Tract In Vivo and In Vitro." Dr.
Gross noted that B-vitamin deficiency also produces damage to kidneys,
spleen, pancreas, testes, ovaries and liver. Since so many persons have
health problems centered in these areas, we may reasonably suspect population
wide vitamin B deficiency. Naturopathic authorities suspect exactly
this. B-vitamins are lost rapidly by the body when it is under
stress. Since most of us are indeed under stress, B-vitamin deficiency
is almost assured without supplementation. Dr. Johnston says: “Cancer having a
particular affinity for the rectal and intestinal tract may be caused by a
systemic deficiency, lowering the resistance to a point where the
degenerative process begins. Vitamin deficiencies may be a factor worthy of
consideration in infections, degenerations, and malignancies...The diet
should contain quantities of fresh vegetables, eaten as nearly in the natural
state as possible and few refined foods should be allowed in the regimen.
Concentrates of the vitamins are a valuable aid in correcting the acute stage
in which the patient is found when symptoms develop...I have had very
good results in a number of patients on a group vitamin concentrate tablet
with all the vitamins present. This is effective and is not too expensive to
the patient. It behooves every medical man to study and observe the
merits of vitamin therapy.” (p. 48) Here is a doctor
who researches vitamins, tries vitamins, and cures with vitamins. Here's
a doctor who prescribes whole, raw, natural foods, and discourages refined
foods. Yet there are so few medical doctors who hear what he's saying,
and fewer still who try the effective, natural approach with their
patients. This is another reason why you have to be your own doctor: to
make sure you and your family have the advantage of such knowledge, you may
have to apply it yourself. Then you decide. B-complex vitamins
and heart disease are discussed in a 1934 paper entitled "Maintenance
Nutrition in the Pigeon and its Relation to Heart Block" by Cyril W.
Carter of Ever since Dr.
Linus Pauling began publicizing the value of megadoses of vitamin C in the
early 1970's, there has been a persistent undertone of medical suspicion that
vitamin C might cause kidney stones. It does not. Kidney stones (what
doctors call "renal calculi") can be cured by vitamin C, says Dr.
William J. McCormick, M.D., of “I have observed
that a cloudy urine, heavy with phosphates and
epithelium, is generally associated with a low vitamin C status, as
determined by titration with dichlorophenal-indophenol
(Hoffmann-LaRoche); and that as soon as corrective
administration of the vitamin effects a normal ascorbic acid (vitamin C) level
the crystalline and organic sediment disappears like magic from the
urine. I have found that this change can usually be brought about in a
matter of hours by large doses of the vitamin, 500 to 2,000 mg, oral or
(p. 411) This sediment or
crystalline matter in the urine is what makes up kidney stones. Please
also note that 500 to 2,000 mg is much more than the U.S. Recommended Daily
Allowance (RDA) for vitamin C of 60 mg/day. The U.S. RDA is not enough vitamin C. Dr. McCormick clearly indicates the need
for large quantities of this vitamin, not just a daily drink of orange juice. In what might be
seen as a display of almost too much therapeutic versatility, Dr. McCormick
also found that calcareous deposits of the eye and cornea "may be
cleared away in a few days by correction of vitamin C status, and I find also
that dental calculus (tartar on the teeth), which lays the foundation for so
much dental havoc, can be quickly suppressed and prevented by an adequate
intake of vitamin C."
With vitamin C,
"adequate" means abundant. Americans do not get abundant
amounts of any vitamin in their fast-food,
convenience food, sugar-laden, meat-and-starch, over-cooked diet. They
certainly do not get much, if any, vitamin C. Dr. McCormick believed,
and not alone, that nine out of ten people in this country are vitamin C
deficient. In a 1954 paper, "Intervertebral-Disc Lesions: A New
Etiological Concept" printed in Archives of Pediatrics, Dr.
McCormick says: “It would seem
almost unbelievable that in this day and age, when fresh fruits and
vegetables are so plentiful, any of our population should be found deficient
in vitamin C; but during the last fifteen years of the writer's practice as a
nutritionist, more than 5,000 qualitative chemical tests for vitamin C status
in clinical cases have been made, and less than ten percent of adult subjects
have been found to be at optimal level in this respect. The writer has found,
in clinical and laboratory research, that the smoking of one cigarette neutralizes
in the body approximately 25 mg. of ascorbic acid, or the equivalent of the vitamin C content of one average-size
orange. On this basis, the ability of the heavy smoker to maintain
normal vitamin C status from dietary sources is obviously questionable, and
this alone may account for the prevalence of vitamin
C deficiency in our modern adult population.” (p. 32-33) Note that Dr.
McCormick said this in 1954, at a time when physicians were literally
endorsing cigarettes in magazines and on TV commercials. It is important to
keep in mind that non-smokers are subjected to cigarette smoke also, in homes
and public places, and that air pollutants and stress also cause the body to
lose quantities of vitamin C. Can this widespread
deficiency of vitamin C be behind more than just kidney stones? Dr.
McCormick says yes, for he thinks that calculi in other parts of the body can
be cleared up by plenty of vitamin C, including those in the biliary tract (gallstones), the pancreas, tonsils,
appendix, mammary glands, uterus, ovaries, prostate
and "even the calcareous deposits in arteriosclerosis." Think
of the surgery that could be avoided here.
This is just the
beginning. In his series of papers, Dr. McCormick further demonstrated
that vitamin C deficiency is the essential cause of numerous communicable
illnesses. Let's consider "The Changing Incidence and Mortality of
Infectious Disease in Relation to Changed Trends in Nutrition" from Medical
Record, September 1947. Citing mortality tables as early as 1840, it is
shown that tuberculosis, pneumonia, diphtheria,
scarlet fever, whooping cough, rheumatic fever, typhoid fever and more are
due to vitamin C deficiency brought about by poor nutrition. It is
shown in graphs that the mortality rate for these diseases decreased over the
years regardless of immunization, inoculation or medication. The rate of
decline in death rate for almost every disease cited was about as fast before
immunization as it was after immunization. Public health records show
that by the time inoculations became available, few
people were dying of these diseases anyway. Dr. Howard H. Hillemann (1960) drew similar conclusions in "The
Illusion of American Health and Longevity" published in Clinical
Physiology. He showed that polio was already almost eliminated
before polio vaccine was available. Vitamin C seems to
be especially important. Perhaps we can see a lack of vitamin C as the basic
cause of kidney stones and such, but what of plentiful supply of vitamin C as
the basic cure for the named infectious diseases? Can we say that
disease trends in history might be understood as waves of lack of, or waves
of abundant intake of vitamin C? Apparently we can. Dr. McCormick
explains vitamin C's properties and says that "by reason of its chemical
action as a reducing agent, and sometimes as an oxidizing agent, vitamin C is
also a specific antagonist of chemical and bacterial toxins." Furthermore,
in "Ascorbic Acid as a Chemotherapeutic Agent" (McCormick, 1952) he
states: "Vitamin C is
known to play an essential part in the oxidation-reduction system of tissue
respiration and to contribute to the development of antibodies and the
neutralization of toxins in the building of natural immunity to infectious
diseases. There is a very potent chemotherapeutic action of ascorbic
acid when given in massive repeated doses, 500 to 1,000 mg. (hourly),
preferably intravenously or intramuscularly. When thus administered the
effect in acute infectious processes is favorably comparable to that of the
sulfonamides or the mycelial antibiotics, but with
the great advantage of complete freedom from toxic or allergic
(p. 151) There is increasing
evidence that vitamin C in large, frequent doses can effect cure of what are
usually called infectious diseases. To establish that these diseases are
actually vitamin C deficiency diseases, though, we should be able to prevent
them by regular, abundant supply of the vitamin. This is exactly what
can be done. Dr. McCormick states:
"Once the acute
febrile or toxic stage of an infectious disease is brought under control by
massive ascorbic acid administration, a relatively small maintenance dose of
the vitamin will be adequate in most cases to prevent relapses, just as in
fire protection small chemical extinguishers may be adequate to prevent fires
in their incipiency, whereas when large fires have developed, water from
large high-pressure fire hoses becomes necessary." (p. 152) Here is an
excellent example of preventive health care, and very powerful prevention at
that, by using a vitamin. Vitamin C isn't just for colds any more. We're
talking here of nothing less than the cure and prevention of serious illness
with a vitamin that anyone can buy and take on their own. And we're not going
to stop there. We're going to take on the biggest killers of modern
times: heart disease and cancer. Can they be conquered? Consider
this summary of facts brought out by Dr. McCormick in the papers cited
above, and from "Coronary Thrombosis: A New Concept of Mechanism and
Etiology" (McCormick, 1957): 1.) Four out of five
coronary cases in hospitals show vitamin C deficiency. 2.) Cancer patients have
vitamin C deficiency averaging 4,500 mg.
3.) Smoking is known to
predispose a body for cancer and heart disease; smoking is also known to rob
the body of its vitamin C. 4.) The symptoms of
classic vitamin C deficiency disease, called scurvy, are identical with
the symptoms of some types of leukemia and
other forms cancer. Scurvy is generally
supposed to be extinct. Yet cancer is all too prevalent today, and the
signs in development of cancer and scurvy are similar. Can they be the
same disease under different names? In "Have We Forgotten the Lesson of
Scurvy" (1962), Dr. McCormick reviews the literature in this regard: "As long ago as
1609, Martini cited by (scurvy research pioneer) Lind stated that scurvy is
nearly allied to the plague, as it occasions carbuncles, buboes and cancer.
In an effort to clarify this relationship we published two papers in which we
advanced the hypothesis that deficiency of vitamin C, by bringing about
disintegration of epithelial and connective tissue relationships, owing to
liquefaction of the intercellular cement substance collagen) and
disintegration of the connective tissue of the basement membrane, results in
breakdown of orderly cellular arrangement, thus acting as a prelude to
(p. 5) After citing the work of
eleven more researchers, Dr. McCormick says: "Our major effort
should be directed toward prevention of the cause of the cellular
disarrangement - collagenous breakdown of
epithelial and subepithelial connective tissues -
as manifested in open sores or fissures that fail to heal readily, and
unusual or easily produced hemorrhage. Such lesions may be early warning
signs of future cancer. They likewise are early signs of scurvy." (p. 10) He also cites a
description of leukemia from a 1905 edition of Northnagel's
Encyclopedia of Practical Medicine which, curiously enough, equated
leukemia and scurvy. In short, we may be
a nation suffering from a scurvy epidemic under the current name of
cancer. The symptoms, progress and results of the two diseases are the
same: the cause is the same (vitamin C deficiency); the treatment of each is
the same: vitamin C in large quantity. If all this is true, then cancer
patients should get better when treated with large doses of "C." They do. Dr.
Linus Pauling (1976, 1986), Nobel prize-winning chemist, researcher, and
author collaborated with cancer surgeon Ewan Cameron, M.D. (1973, 1993) in
directing the treatment of patients with very great quantities of vitamin C
with very great results. An undated letter in my possession from the
Linus Pauling Institute of Science and Medicine says: "Our work on
nutrition and cancer, in collaboration with Vale of Thirteen out of one
hundred may not seem like a staggering number, but that would have been 130
out of a thousand, or 130,000 out of a million. Also bear in mind that
Ivan Illich says in Medical Nemesis (1977) that
there is no significant increase in survival rate for most cancer patients
with conventional medical or surgical treatment. The five year survival rate
for most cancer patients is unaffected by any medical therapy; it is the same
whether they are treated or not. With vitamin C, we appear to have what
may be, statistically, the most effective known cure for cancer. "Dr.
Pauling believes that the death rate from cancer in the What vitamin
researchers seem to keep finding is that if a deficiency of one or more
vitamins causes a disease, the plentiful administration of that same vitamin
or vitamins will cure the disease. That makes
sense. More important, this theory is proven by its clinical success.
Surely that's the best part of any research: when it works, when people get
well. One of the
functions of vitamin C, in addition to keeping your cells together, is to
maximize "the oxygen-carrying capacity of red (blood) cells so the heart
is called upon to do much less work," says Dr. Royal Lee in the
undated pamphlet "Clinical Nutrition: Food vs. Drugs." It is
interesting that vitamin E has a similar effect: it increases oxygen
availability to the heart. If that's true, one might expect vitamin E
deficiency to cause heart trouble. Evidently it does, and "122
independent reports have been published in the world's medical journals in
support of vitamin E" according to an uncredited
article in Popular Science Digest... from 1953! Wilfrid
and Evan Shute, both medical doctors, with Dr. Arthur Vogelsang,
traced a national vitamin E deficiency back to the turn of the century when
the milling of flour and consumption of this and other refined foods increased
greatly. They saw an increase of heart disease parallel the increase of
refined foods. In Coronet there appeared an article by J. D.
Ratcliff (1948) entitled "For Heart Disease: Vitamin E" that
described this work. "The Shutes and Vogelsang note that
heart disease is almost unknown among primitive peoples - until they start
eating civilized man's food. Further, they emphasize that in 1910 - before
our national diet had become too refined - heart disease was the fourth cause
of death instead of the first as it is today (1948); and that the rate of
heart deaths is up 250 per cent in this period." (p. 31) The Shutes described this phenomenon in their books,
particularly in Vitamin E for Ailing and Healthy Hearts (1969). The
more refined, de-natured foods eaten, the more heart
disease. And what is refined out? Among other things, the vitamin E that
helps keep the heart prospering, and you alive. Since the 1940's,
cardiovascular disease has continued to be our biggest killer disease. But
also since then, certain doctors have treated tens of thousands of coronary
patients with vitamin E. Drs. Wilfrid and Evan
Shute have personally supervised vitamin E therapy for over 30,000 heart
patients, making them the world's most experienced cardiologists. You
would think that the medical profession would be most enthusiastic about
their success with vitamin therapy. That has not been
the case. The Canadian, British, and American Medical Associations have
not voiced serious support for vitamin E against heart disease. Why not?
"The Fight Over Vitamin E" (Hutton, 1953) discusses the early
stages of the controversy in detail. The article also expands on vitamin
E's therapeutic uses: "The Shutes' theory about vitamin E is this: it is not
specifically a heart medication... The chief effect of
vitamin E is to reduce the amount of oxygen which the cells and
tissues of the body and its organs require for efficient, healthy
functioning. Heart diseases happen to be the most dramatic example of
the result of vitamin E deprivation, and vitamin E's effect, simply stated,
is to condition the tissues involved so that they are able to function
normally, or at any rate to survive, on the greatly reduced amount of oxygen
available to them when a coronary clot cuts down the oxygen-bearing blood
supply reaching them. The Shutes' and other
investigators claim it is effective in a wide variety of other conditions:
burns, wounds, radiation damage, gangrene, ulceration, phlebitis... diabetes
and its complications, nephritis, eye diseases, psychoses, post-surgical
shock, plastic surgery and post-poliomyelitis." (p. 4) Much controversy
comes out of the wide application that these scientists claim for vitamin
E. However: A nutritional substance that cures many ills is a
substance whose deficiency causes many ills. This is the case with any
vitamin deficiency: the deficiency of one vitamin may show up as many
different disease symptoms. One person lacking in vitamin E may develop
arteriosclerosis; another may develop diabetic gangrene; another might just
have poor skin; another might drop dead of heart attack. This is because
a vitamin is important for the entire organism, in all its organs and
functions. No vitamin works just in or for the heart or any one sector. Each
vitamin is essential to total body health, and all the vitamins collectively
are needed for freedom from disease. Copyright C 2004 and prior years Andrew W. Saul. Andrew Saul is the author
of the books FIRE YOUR DOCTOR! How to be
Independently Healthy (reader reviews at http://www.doctoryourself.com/review.html
) and DOCTOR YOURSELF: Natural Healing that Works. (reviewed at http://www.doctoryourself.com/saulbooks.html
) For ordering information, Click Here .
AN IMPORTANT NOTE: This page is not in any way offered as prescription, diagnosis nor treatment for any disease, illness, infirmity or physical condition. Any form of self-treatment or alternative health program necessarily must involve an individual's acceptance of some risk, and no one should assume otherwise. Persons needing medical care should obtain it from a physician. Consult your doctor before making any health decision. Neither the author nor the webmaster has authorized the use of their names or the use of any material contained within in connection with the sale, promotion or advertising of any product or apparatus. Single-copy reproduction for individual, non-commercial use is permitted providing no alterations of content are made, and credit is given. |
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