#### [Xero Z-Trail Sandals (Men's) for $56 ($24 off)](https://xeroshoes.com/shop/sandals/ztrail-men/) +++button-group [Xero](https://xeroshoes.com/shop/sandals/ztrail-men/ "Xero"){: target="_blank"} +++ Once [my favorite shoe](https://www.wired.com/story/xero-z-trail-barefoot/) (I've since moved to the even more minimalist [Z-Trek Sandal](https://xeroshoes.com/shop/sandals/ztrek-men/)), these remain a great choice for beginners and experience barefooters alike. Think of these as the barefoot answer to Chacos. Except where Chacos are like putting tractors on your feet, the Z-Trails still flex and bend as you walk, giving your feet the freedom of movement you expect from a barefoot shoe. The kids Z Trails are also a [great deal at $30 ($30 off)](https://xeroshoes.com/shop/sandals/ztrail-kids/). #### [Xero HFS II Lightweight Road Runner for $84 ($36 off)](https://xeroshoes.com/shop/shoes/hfs-men/) +++button-group [Xero (Men's)](https://xeroshoes.com/shop/shoes/hfs-men/ "Xero"){: target="_blank"} [Xero (Women's)](https://xeroshoes.com/shop/shoes/hfs-women/ "Xero"){: target="_blank"} +++ the HFS is [our favorite barefoot shoe](https://www.wired.com/gallery/best-barefoot-shoes/#5fa2d9c49d236583d3ba9988) for running on human-made surfaces like concrete and asphalt. It as a bit of extra cushion that's nice when you're pounding the pavement (although you shouldn't be pounding anything when running barefoot). These are comfortable and durable, and they offer about 7 millimeters of padding to soften the impact of hard surfaces. #### [Xero Mesa Trail II for $84 ($36 off)](https://xeroshoes.com/shop/shoes/mesa-trail-men/) +++button-group [Xero (Men's)](https://xeroshoes.com/shop/shoes/mesa-trail-men/ "Amazon"){: target="_blank"} [Xero Women's](https://xeroshoes.com/shop/shoes/mesa-trail-men/ "Amazon"){: target="_blank"} +++ If you want a heavier lug sole for hiking on rough ground but don't want a full boot, Xero's Mesa Trail II are a good choice. They can also double as trail runners when you want to move faster.The price varies a lot by color so it's worth clicking around. If you don't mind the red pair, they can be had for $36. #### [Xero Tari Boot (Women's)](https://xeroshoes.com/shop/boots/tari/) +++button-group [Xero](https://xeroshoes.com/shop/boots/tari/ ""){: target="_blank"} +++ Best Winter Boot (Women's) Xero Shoes Tari Boot (Women's) This slip-on boot has kept my daughter's feet warm from the cold winter beaches of Texas to the frigid plains of Colorado. While technically a slip-on, it does have an adjustable strap that runs from the top of the arch, down to the sole, and then through a buckle near the back, which means you can snug it down a little if you need to. That said the fit on these is pretty true to size so unless you have a very low arch, you shouldn't need the strap too much. I am the last person you want to go to for fashion advice, but to my eye these look great. Unless they're really familiar with barefoot shoes, most people probably won't notice these as anything other than cool boots.