template: single
point: 33.95742966190523,-83.40147728270863
location: Athens,Georgia,United States
image: 2015/Yellowstone.jpg
desc: I am happy to report that, despite a sketchy tow hookup that doesn't lock to the ball, some last-minute wiring snafus, a considerable amount of dry rot on one tire and of course the fact that it still isn't registered, I did nevertheless succeed in getting
dek: I am happy to report that, despite a sketchy tow hookup that doesn't lock to the ball, some last-minute wiring snafus, a considerable amount of dry rot on one tire and of course the fact that it still isn't registered, I did nevertheless succeed in getting our 1969 Yellowstone back to our house.
pub_date: 2015-04-19T21:53:23
slug: coming-home
title: Coming Home
I finally brought the 1969 Yellowstone trailer to the house. Many thanks to my in-laws for storing it at their place for the last six months.
I am happy to report that, despite a sketchy tow hookup that doesn't lock to the ball, some last-minute wiring snafus, a considerable amount of dry rot on the tire and of course the fact that it still isn't registered, I did nevertheless succeed in getting it to the house.
I need to get the tire off and replaced, but so far the lug nuts, they just won't budge.
Instead I decided to pull out the oven and some cabinet hardware and few other things I plan to keep. I bought a respirator, some goggles (pretty sure there's a good amount of black mold in the insulation, I get a bad headache without the respirator) and was all set to tear it apart only to discover... the Clutch Head.
The Clutch Head is a peculiar screw head that was -- according to [Wikipedia][1] -- popular with automobile manufacturers in the 1940s, and, wait for it, "mobile homes and recreational vehicles."
So... it's home, but I still haven't gotten to tear anything out yet. I ordered a [clutch head bit][2] set from Vintage Trailer Supply and it arrived a couple of days ago, which means soon I can get started. Soon, always soon.
[1]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_screw_drives#Clutch
[2]: http://www.vintagetrailersupply.com/Clutch_Head_Screw_Bits_p/vts-578.htm