template: single
point: 33.94488637041943,-83.38856397898492
location: Athens,Georgia,United States
image: 2008/annienewyears.jpg
dek: I've always been all for New Year's Eve celebrations, parties, what have you, but somehow the next day always seemed a bit hollow. U2 was, in many ways, correct -- "nothing changes on New Year's Day." But, it's a self-created universe, so whether anything changes on New Year's Day is really up to you. And I've always thought Bono was full of shit.
pub_date: 2008-01-01T11:29:26
slug: new-years-day
title: New Year's Day
I have at various times been accused of harboring a certain amount of cynicism (or realism, depending on the point of view of the person leveling such accusations), something I continue to deny.
However, there are a few notable moments of cynical behavior in my past and perhaps the most obvious has always been my attitude toward New Year's Day.
I've always been all for New Year's Eve celebrations, parties, what have you, but somehow the next day always seemed a bit hollow and I've said as much before. Of course, while recognizing that Bono was in many way correct when he sang "nothing changes on New Year's Day," it is after all a largely self-created universe, so whether or not you think anything changes on New Year's Day is really up to you. And I've always thought Bono was full of shit.
So this year I managed to drag myself out of bed at a reasonable hour and whip up the sort of breakfast extravagance that seemed befitting of the first day in a new year and actually celebrated its arrival. What's more I'm doing something I haven't done in years -- making New Years resolutions.
I won't bore you with the whole list, but there's one that's relevant to luxagraf -- I'm going to post a new photo everyday. Hardly original I realize, but I'm hoping that perhaps a little self-kick in the ass might also inspire me to do a bit more writing and otherwise update the site a bit more.
I may not get around to actually taking [a new photograph everyday][1], but I will at least post one (travel days excepted) and I'll be making an effort to actually take them more often as well. I can't guarantee they'll be any good, in fact I can almost guarantee that most of them won't be any good, but at least one small thing will have changed for me on New Year's Day.
[1]: http://www.flickr.com/photos/luxagraf/sets/72157603603431255/