I wrote previously about how I backup database files automatically. The key word there being "automatically". If I have to remember to make a backup the odds of it happening drop to zero. So I automate as I described, but that's not really what making backups entails or at least that's not the point for me as a writer. The point for me as a writer is that I don't want to lose these words Ba In some cases "automate" can mean build workflows that spawn redundant copies. For example, right now I'm typing these words in Vim and will save the file in a Git repo that will get pushed to a server. Later the containing folder will be backed up on S3 plus a couple of local drives. It's unlikely I will loose these words outright. However, once I'm done writing I'll cut and paste this piece into my Django app and hit a publish button that will write the results out to the flat HTML file you're actually reading right now (this file is another backup). When I plugged it into the database I gave this article a relationship with other objects in that database. So even the redundant backups built into my workflow make a total data loss unlikely, without the database I will lose the relationships I've created. Which is just to illustrate what you already know: database backups are important and need to happen regularly.