--- title: Responsive Images & `srcset` pub_date: 2013-09-30 20:08:57 slug: /blog/2013/09/responsive-images-srcset metadesc: A comprehensive overview of responsive images and the srcset attribute. Regularly updated to keep up with changing standards proposals. code: True tags: Responsive Images --- [Note: This post is superseded by the fact that the picture element now exists. Picture supports srcset as well, so you can do everything I mention below, you just do it within ``. See my [complete guide to the picture element](https://longhandpixels.net/blog/2014/02/complete-guide-picture-element) for more details.] There are, in my experience, three pain points in any responsive design -- tabular data, advertising and images. The latter is the most interesting problem to me since it's not something you can design or engineer your way around. True, there are ways you can coerce today's browsers into doing roughly what you want -- serve large images to large screens and small ones to small screens -- but these are really hacks, sometimes very clever hacks, but still hacks. Nathan Ford has put together a nice [Responsive Images Mega-List][1] in an attempt to catalog all the ways you can handle images in a responsive site today. That's a great list of resources for handling images today, but what I've been obsessing over lately is the future, when we won't need all these workarounds. Just like we hacked video into the web using Flash and eventually got the `