7-11 to ridgway: 161 montrose to ridway: 35x2 ridgway to GJ: 68 driving in GJ: 20 GJ to GreenRiveri 102 green river to castle rock: 237+20 cedar city to zion: 60 zion: 10 zion to vof: 160 vof to vegas: 80 vegas to red rock: 22 red rock to gold pointe: 182 gold point to big pine: 90 big pine to walker lake: 134 to topaz: 100 to washoe: 100 to susanville: 155 to redding: 112 to patrick's point: 156 to mackerchier 292 calc 161+70+68+20+102+257+60+10+160+80+22+182+90+134+100+100+112+156+292 calc 2174+1808+