path: root/old/published/Webmonkey/Monkey_Bites/2006/10.23.05/Mon/reputation defender.txt
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+<p> is a new site with a novel aim &mdash; cleaning up your online reputation. It's becoming increasing common for companies to screen potential employees for offensive blog posts, embarrassing MySpace profiles, and damaging photos trawled up with a simple Google search. Yes, it seems we've reached the point where policing your internet reputation might be a viable business model.</p> <p>Reputation Defender claims they will monitor sites like MySpace, Facebook, Xenga, Bebo, Flickr, LiveJournal and a whole host of others for any material that might be damaging to you. If they do find something they will, on your behalf, ask the site owner to remove it. Should the site owner refuse, Reputation Defender will "use our array of proprietary techniques developed in-house to correct and/or completely remove the selected unwanted content from the web."</p> <p>Reputation Defender is a paid service with rates starting at $15.95 a month for six months. </p> <p>The site also offers two other related services they call "mychild" and "myprivacy." My child searches and collects information on your child and provides a monthly report. Setting aside the vaguely Orwellian feeling that gives me, I can see where, with the recently announced number of registered sex offenders on MySpace, this would be an attract service for many parents.</p> <p>The "my privacy" feature is not yet available but promises to do something about the massive number of companies that buy and sell personal information, much of which is often inaccurate. This sounds like something I'd actually want.</p> <p>The site didn't have an answer to the first question that popped in my mind &mdash; what about duplicate names? For instance there is a Scott Gilbertson serving time in prison in Michigan for something or other, how will Reputation Defender know that's not me?</p> <p>Another thing I haven't been able to sort out from browsing the site is the exact legal status of the "destroy" component of Reputation Defender. After all, just because you're applying for a job, why does that mean I have to take down those pics from the Animal House-style Halloween Party of 2002? And if I refuse is there any legal ground to compel me to take them down? The user agreement on the site says, "[Reputation Defender] does not guarantee or warrant that it will be successful in effecting removal or alteration," which seems to imply that there may not be a legal way to force content removal.</p> <p>I'm no lawyer so if you have any insight please leave your thoughts in the comments section.</p> \ No newline at end of file