path: root/published/Webmonkey/Monkey_Bites/2006/11.20.06/Wed
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-Online shopping site [Mpire][1] has [released a new Firefox plugin][2] that lets you compare prices at nearly 200 retailers from any page. Mpire lets you track prices from various retailers across the web and with the new Firefox plugin you can now call up that data from any supported retailer page. The plugin essentially put the MPire site data just a click away from nearly any shopping site. The MPire plugin includes some nice features for comparison shopping. Similar to [Farecast][4], my favorite airline ticket site, there are predictive graphs indicating whether the price of an item is likely to go up or down based past sales. Mpire can also point you to online coupons and other discounts as well as track Ebay auctions. I'm very impressed with the new plugin. I've used the Mpire site a few times in past, but frankly I forget about it. With the plugin makes it's easier to take advantage of what Mpire offers without having to visit the actual site. Right now the Plugin is only available for Firefox, but hopefully we'll see something similar for Internet Explorer in the near future. [found via [TechCrunch][3]] [1]: "" [2]: " Firefox Plugin" [3]: "TechCrunch on" [4]: "" \ No newline at end of file
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-<img alt="Any_key_3" title="Any_key_3" src="" border="0" style="float: right; margin: 0px 0px 5px 5px;" />Holy turkey's Batman, it's a chicken, er, reboot. * There have been a couple of minor security exploits found in Mac OS X this month, but today there's one that much more serious, though in fact it's been around a while. The exploit in question [allows a corrupted .dmg file to cause a kernal panic][1], which could be used to inject malicious code. Apple hasn't addressed the problem publically yet, but if you want to avoid any issues, just [disable Safari's auto-open feature][2] and avoid downloading .dmg files from unknown parties. * CBS is reportedly happy with its YouTube experiment. CBS says that viewers are flocking to CBS TV shows after seeing the clips on YouTube. Perhaps this will encourage other companies to drop the lawsuits and embrace the future of video. [via [Mashable][4]] * Microsoft Windows will be stumbling out of a bar blindingly drunk later this evening in [celebration of its twenty-first birthday][5]. * To celebrate the launch of Windows Vista, Microsoft and Deal have partnered up to create a pretty sweet [special edition computer][6]. The new box features, among other things, a one terabyte raid drive and a 30' widescreen flat panel monitor. * <b>Rumor:</b> Because everybody loves a good fantasy story, Read/Write Web has an [analysis of the as yet ficticious GoogleOS][7]. "There's no such thing as the GoogleOS in reality - but despite that, it is one of the most talked about Web products." [1]: "ITWire on OS X exploit" [2]: "Daring Fireball on the .dmg kernal panic" [4]: "Mashable on CBS" [5]: "MS Windows turns 21" [6]: "Windows Vista PC" [7]: "The GoogleOS?" \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/published/Webmonkey/Monkey_Bites/2006/11.20.06/Wed/zemble-screen.gif b/published/Webmonkey/Monkey_Bites/2006/11.20.06/Wed/zemble-screen.gif
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-[Zemble][1], a new social networking site with group text messaging, launched earlier today. The service is somewhat similar to sites like [Twitter][2] or [3jam][3], but has a cleaner interface and is somewhat easier to use. The signup process is painless, just pick a username, fill out some basic info, and enter your phone numbers. Zemble then sends you a text message with a confirmation number. Enter that number on the sign up page and you're done. From there you can create your profile and invite friends. Zemble offers integration with MySpace and Facebook so you can batch email your friends from either social network. You can also import your address book from GMail, Yahoo, MSN or Hotmail. I'm sure you friends will love the spam invites. Once you have a group of friends set up, the messaging process is pretty straight forward. Say you want to invite everyone in your group to Thanksgiving dinner, just go to the "My Zembles" page and create a new Zemble. Once you've given your Zemble a name and description, will send you a text message with address for that Zemble. Then you add that address to your phone contacts, for instance, and whenever you want to send a message to that Zemble group, just send an SMS message to the address and Zemble will forward the message on to your friends. To respond to a Zemble just sent a message to and the message creator will get your reply. To reply to everyone that got a message, use the same address but begin your replay with an exclamation point. Zemble has a nice feature set and if you can convince your friends to join it might be a good way to batch message invites. [1]: "" [2]: "" [3]: "3Jam" \ No newline at end of file