path: root/published/Webmonkey/Monkey_Bites/2006/12.04.06/Tues/myspace sex offenders.txt
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-MySpace said today that it will begin offering a new technology to [identify and remove convicted sex offenders][1] from the site. The project will partner MySpace with [Sentinel Tech][3] to built Sentinel Safe, a new technology which will enable MySpace to identify and delete profiles of registered sex offenders. Because of MySpace's popularity with young users, the sex offender problem has plagued the site for some time and has lead to growing concern about how to address the problem. Wired's own [Kevin Poulsen wrote a program months ago][2] that had reasonable success in tracking down offenders. The new technology, called Sentinel Safe, will draw on state and federal databases to find registered sex offenders. Interestingly enough, MySpace claims that this is first time anyone has collated data from the 46 individual state tracking systems into one national database. If that claim is true, then the new technology may have appeal beyond MySpace as well. Unfortunately, the ease with which users create fake identities on MySpace means the new technology will be only partly effective, since it can only find sex offenders that sign up under their real name. To combat that issue MySpace has asked Congress to introduce e-mail registration legislation. under the proposed legislation sex offenders would have to register email addresses or face parole violations. Also note that the new technology applies only to registered sex offenders in the United States, though MySpace says it is looking into similar programs for Europe and Asia. [1]: [2]:,71948-0.html "Kevin Poulsen on MySpace sex offenders" [3]: "Sentinal Tech" \ No newline at end of file