path: root/published/Webmonkey/Monkey_Bites/2006/12.11.06/Thu/mac update.txt
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-Microsoft has posted a note on its [security response blog][1] tell consumers to uninstall a recently accidentally released Mac Office security update. Early in the week several security updates to Microsoft's Office for Mac software appeared on the companies site for download. Although never officially announced, many users found and downloaded the updates hoping to patch the recently disclosed "zero day" flaws in Microsoft Word. It turns out that the updates were in fact pre-release software intended for internal testing and not meant for the public. Microsoft has apologized for what it calls a human error and removed the downloads. The blog post goes on the say that users who installed the not-ready-for-prime-time updates should uninstall them, but fails to provide any suggestions for uninstalling. ITWire [reports][1] that the installers themselves do not have an uninstall option and no directions or how-tos can be found on Microsoft's site. There are no specifics available on what the software patched or what potential pre-lease hazards there may have been, but the update apparently affected only 7 files. If you installed the software you might consider erasing the whole program and reinstalling from disc, just to the on the safe side. Alternately, if you have a second system with unpatched versions of the seven files in question, you could simply copy the unaffected files. [1]: "Mac for Office Update snafu" [2]: "ITWire on Office update" \ No newline at end of file