path: root/published/Webmonkey/Monkey_Bites/2006/12.18.06/Wed/build.txt
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-The Nightly Build, compiling the days headlines for your nutritional benefit: * Sony has finally [settled][1] with the State of California for a measly $750,000 on charges of violating "state laws prohibiting false or misleading advertising, unfair or unlawful businesses practices, and unauthorized access to computers." The Sony fiasco involved a CD that secretly installed a program on users hard drives as an attempt at DRM. There should definitely be at least two more zeros on the end of that settlement figure. [1]: "Sony settles with California" * Popular social bookmarking site has a new [developer API][3] coming soon. Details are few thus far, but there is a screencast preview. Among the cool new features is the ability to display tags that other people have applied to your page. [3]: " API" * And just to balance the last item, Google has gotten rid of an API. The search giant quietly [removed its SOAP search API][4] earlier this month and is telling developers to switch to the AJAX API instead. Perhaps not coincidentally the AJAX API embeds ads on the users page, whereas the SOAP API did not. [4]: "Google ditches SOAP" * The Wall Street Journal's Joseph Rago has an op/ed piece entitled *[The Blog Mob][2]* with the lede: "Written by fools to be read by imbeciles." Ah, thanks Joe. Wait a second, you're writing for a "Journal" and that journal displays its [entries in reverse chronological order][7]... Joe, are you saying you're a fool? (Note the first link may require registration -- natch) [2]: "Fools and imbeciles" [7]: "Wikipedia definition of a blog" * And finally, it has nothing to do with software or the web, but it's pretty darn remarkable: "Japanese man [survives][5] 3 weeks in the outdoors by hibernating." [via [BoingBoing][6]] [5]: "Japanese Man survives by hibernating" [6]: "BoingBoing on hibernation" \ No newline at end of file